Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (2024)

Display NamePost: Gunvalds log: Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training (Topic#20161)
Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (1)
Total Posts:4442

06-20-20 09:00 AM - Post#899371

  • Eric R Said:

Nice, I've been thinking of doing a little Gironda myself for a cycle. Still enjoying what Im doing at the moment though.

It would be fun to see others do some Gironda training. Like 6x6 or even 8x8 with details like resting times between sets, weight used and total time of the exercise session.

Go for it, I'd love to see how it goes.

IronOnline = best

    Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (2)
    Total Posts:4442

    6x6 - Full Body
    06-20-20 09:05 AM - Post#899373

    Full Body: 30 sets ~ 30 mins

    BW = 221 lbs

    (40 sec)

    6x6 - assisted 100 lbs
    (60 sec)

    DB Shoulder Press
    6x6 - 35 lbs
    (20 sec)

    DB Curls
    6x6 - 30 lbs
    (30 sec)

    Trapbar Deadlifts
    6x6 - 175 lbs
    (30 sec)

    • 20 min cardio


    After 4 days of full rest and loads of food I feel nicely recovered. Todays workout was really good, I felt stronger than usual and cardiovascular capacity was best so far this year. The heat was crazy though, about 29 celsius in my exercise cave Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (3)

    IronOnline = best

      Eric R
      Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (4)
      Total Posts:264

      06-20-20 04:27 PM - Post#899389

      I did it today, and some lighter BW stuff with minute rests on Thursday.

      NOT a straight up Gironda routine but definitely CajinJohn inspired with pyramiding and minimal rests, only resting as long as it took me to change the weight OR 8-10 breaths.

      Can't believe you would even THINK of doing cardio after TBDL's done Gironda style! Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (5) Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (6)

      • Gunvald Said:
      • Eric R Said:

      Nice, I've been thinking of doing a little Gironda myself for a cycle. Still enjoying what Im doing at the moment though.

      It would be fun to see others do some Gironda training. Like 6x6 or even 8x8 with details like resting times between sets, weight used and total time of the exercise session.

      Go for it, I'd love to see how it goes.

        Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (7)
        Total Posts:4442

        Gunvalds log: Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training
        06-21-20 09:42 AM - Post#899403

        • Eric R Said:

        I did it today, and some lighter BW stuff with minute rests on Thursday.

        NOT a straight up Gironda routine but definitely CajinJohn inspired with pyramiding and minimal rests, only resting as long as it took me to change the weight OR 8-10 breaths.

        Can't believe you would even THINK of doing cardio after TBDL's done Gironda style! Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (8) Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (9)

        • Gunvald Said:
        • Eric R Said:

        Nice, I've been thinking of doing a little Gironda myself for a cycle. Still enjoying what Im doing at the moment though.

        It would be fun to see others do some Gironda training. Like 6x6 or even 8x8 with details like resting times between sets, weight used and total time of the exercise session.

        Go for it, I'd love to see how it goes.

        I just checked your log. You are a pretty strong dude.

        Ah, CajinJohn or CJ as I call him, he helped me quite a lot years ago. I did his 16x5 routine back in 2010 and its sooo brutal! 16x5 routine was invented by Gironda and CJ together (thats what CJ said) back when CJ exercised in Girondas gym in 1960's. Thats so darn cool!

        Cardio after trapbar deadlifts... Well, it feels doable as long as I dont take myself out too much (which I dont) I'm currently doing 175 lbs for 6x6 and 30 sec rest. If I maxed out at the end of the Full Body session that I did yesterday I am sure I could do 225 lbs for 6x6 and 30 sec rest, but then no cardio could be done cause I would be totally slammed :D

        IronOnline = best

          Eric R
          Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (10)
          Total Posts:264

          06-21-20 03:48 PM - Post#899416

          Thanks, I definitely need to improve my pressing, especially with these shortened rests.

          CJ's posts are great and to the point. True gems. I'll need to read up on you 16x5 experiment.

          TBDL's I've only done for high reps (15 rep sets), they definitely tire you out. 6x6, I can only imagine!

            Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (11)
            Total Posts:4442

            06-22-20 03:29 PM - Post#899450

            • Eric R Said:

            Thanks, I definitely need to improve my pressing, especially with these shortened rests.

            CJ's posts are great and to the point. True gems. I'll need to read up on you 16x5 experiment.

            TBDL's I've only done for high reps (15 rep sets), they definitely tire you out. 6x6, I can only imagine!

            CJ is the guy, they dont make them like that anymore. About 16x5, all I can remember is that it was productive, brutal and that I shoulda rested much more between each session. Maybe 2 days on 2 days off or maybe even better... 1 day on and 1 day off!

            How about 8x8 on them TBDL'S Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (12)

            That would be a killer! Gonna try it sometimes this summer, like really max out and see what weight I can manage with 8x8 TBDL and maybe 30 sec rest between sets. Maybe 220 lbs if I'm conditioned enough and very mentally charged.

            IronOnline = best

              Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (13)
              Total Posts:4442

              6x6 - Upper Body
              06-22-20 03:39 PM - Post#899452

              Upper Body: 30 sets ~ 28 mins

              BW = 221 lbs

              6x6 - 120 lbs
              (30 sec)

              Pendlay Row
              6x6 - 100 lbs
              (60 sec)

              Lateral Raises
              6x6 - 15 lbs
              (20 sec)

              6x6 - 22 lbs
              (20 sec)

              Pistol Squats
              6x6 - assisted
              (45 sec)
              _________________________ ___________

              Blitz Full Body executed in 28 minutes with no cardio afterwards.

              IronOnline = best

                Eric R
                Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (14)
                Total Posts:264

                Gunvalds log: Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training
                06-22-20 04:39 PM - Post#899456

                CJ, one of a kind.

                I have some time right now, I'll dig through your log.

                8*8 on TBDL' no thanks! I just checked my log, last time I did TBDL's I did:

                270*12,9,5 with 2 min rests and the was tough enough. As far as cardio after that... No way!

                Great session btw.

                EDIT: Read up on your 16x5, there are a lot of gems there, Great back and forth and tips from so many people, especially CJ and WW.

                Kudos for the transformation you've had since the start of the log!

                • Gunvald Said:

                CJ is the guy, they dont make them like that anymore. About 16x5, all I can remember is that it was productive, brutal and that I shoulda rested much more between each session. Maybe 2 days on 2 days off or maybe even better... 1 day on and 1 day off!

                How about 8x8 on them TBDL'S Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (15)

                That would be a killer! Gonna try it sometimes this summer, like really max out and see what weight I can manage with 8x8 TBDL and maybe 30 sec rest between sets. Maybe 220 lbs if I'm conditioned enough and very mentally charged.

                Edited by Eric R on 06-22-20 05:31 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.

                  Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (16)
                  Total Posts:4442

                  if I just...
                  06-24-20 01:40 AM - Post#899524

                  • Eric R Said:

                  CJ, one of a kind.

                  He sure is, I miss him around here :/

                  • Eric R Said:

                  ..8*8 on TBDL' no thanks! I just checked my log, last time I did TBDL's I did:

                  270*12,9,5 with 2 min rests and the was tough enough. As far as cardio after that... No way!

                  Hey, how about sometimes this summer we go for it? 8x8 deadlifts, no competition, just for fun =)

                  • Eric R Said:

                  Great session btw.

                  Thnaks, but I'm too weak and lack results though. Thats what happens when one has NO consistency and does lay offs every year and also overtrains Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (17) You just lose, then regain, then lose... it's a sad thing tbh.

                  • Eric R Said:

                  ...Kudos for the transformation you've had since the start of the log!

                  Thank you, but I gotta be honest, started in 2009, achievied really good results in 1 year of Gironda training. Lost 60-70 lbs, put on some muscles, gained quite a lot of strength especially considering I was cutting bodyweight/fat... But since then (since 2010) I didnt gain any strength, stamina and hardly any muscles. I lack consistency, I take long layoffs, then I come back and overtrain, chase the magic routine, lay off again and thats how it goes in circles. Its a catastrophe in my opinion. Man... if I just was consistent and was in peace with what I was doing... lol I would be such a strong and mega condtioned animal today. Excuse the rant but here comes something really good about it...

                  Consistency, not overtraining, not chasing magic routines, not getting injured, not being in a rush, be in peace with what you do is... the mother of all progress and true happyness when it comes to weightlifting or training in general


                  IronOnline = best

                    Eric R
                    Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (18)
                    Total Posts:264

                    Re: if I just...
                    06-24-20 12:17 PM - Post#899548

                    • Gunvald Said:

                    He sure is, I miss him around here :/

                    For Sure

                    • Gunvald Said:

                    Hey, how about sometimes this summer we go for it? 8x8 deadlifts, no competition, just for fun =)

                    I can't! I don't have access to a gym, I've been doing my DB's. Weight is getting a little light for lower body. I've heard that DB deads are KIND of comparable to TBDL's but I don't have that much weight. Gironda has been pretty handy here as I have to go light.

                    • Gunvald Said:

                    Thnaks, but I'm too weak and lack results though. Thats what happens when one has NO consistency and does lay offs every year and also overtrains Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (19) You just lose, then regain, then lose... it's a sad thing tbh.

                    Thank you, but I gotta be honest, started in 2009, achievied really good results in 1 year of Gironda training. Lost 60-70 lbs, put on some muscles, gained quite a lot of strength especially considering I was cutting bodyweight/fat... But since then (since 2010) I didnt gain any strength, stamina and hardly any muscles. I lack consistency, I take long layoffs, then I come back and overtrain, chase the magic routine, lay off again and thats how it goes in circles. Its a catastrophe in my opinion. Man... if I just was consistent and was in peace with what I was doing... lol I would be such a strong and mega condtioned animal today. Excuse the rant but here comes something really good about it...

                    Consistency, not overtraining, not chasing magic routines, not getting injured, not being in a rush, be in peace with what you do is... the mother of all progress and true happyness when it comes to weightlifting or training in general


                    It's cool, rant away. What do you think is your biggest challenge in staying consistent? The days needed to go to the gym? Do you think what you did then, the Gironda stuff, is the best way for you to gain still (from what I've read and seen it's great especially as one gets older)? I don't intend to make you second guess just wondering.

                    I know for me, that if I had maintained a rigid 4-5 day routine, I probably wouldn't be training so things like 2 day and 3 day splits have been freeing. I know a buddy of mine that likes Gironda and does great on it with only 3 days. Probably can do it in two if he wanted to.

                      Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (20)
                      Total Posts:4442

                      if I just...
                      06-28-20 04:37 AM - Post#899712

                      • Eric R Said:

                      What do you think is your biggest challenge in staying consistent? The days needed to go to the gym?

                      Nah, I got my own garage GYM and plenty of equipment. Welded DIP station, welded CHIN station, benchpress, loads of dumbbells, a lot of weight plates, 2 barbells, 9 kettlebells, a proper eliptical cardio machine, gymnastic rings setup and loads of space. Stepping into my "GYM" is just a 20 yard walk through the house.

                      Biggest challenge in staying consistent... well...dude... I'm not sure but I would say its ... I was not being in peace with what I was doing and lack of satifaction... always chasing magic routines.. never really being satisfied with my performance and thus reseting/recharging and coming back thinking I'll find that magic formula and also that maximum pushing every session, every exercise is the way... then there is the overtraining that affects you mentally and physically without you being aware enough of how and whats it really doing to you... I think that I also very often burned my CNS and endocrine "system"... I just CAN NOT let go of not pushing to the max on most exercises... I think this is very bad for anyone natural...

                      • Eric R Said:

                      I know for me, that if I had maintained a rigid 4-5 day routine, I probably wouldn't be training so things like 2 day and 3 day splits have been freeing. I know a buddy of mine that likes Gironda and does great on it with only 3 days. Probably can do it in two if he wanted to.

                      I've tried Full Body done twice per week and even twice per 10 days, didnt hold for long, maybe 3-4 months and I was back to my biggest dilemma again. Just wasnt in peace with what I was doing, overtrained and wasnt satisfied.

                      Interesting about your buddy, what split is he doing? Would be fun to know details.

                      • Eric R Said:

                      Do you think what you did then, the Gironda stuff, is the best way for you to gain still (from what I've read and seen it's great especially as one gets older)? I don't intend to make you second guess just wondering.

                      Nah, if I wanted the best gains I would throw in more variation and be much more consistent. I am a mess when it comes to training. Nowadays I'm just riding 6x6 most of the time because it gives me the best satisfaction. I throw in some higher rep training now and then and thats it. Satisfaction and kinda health. Not caring much about hypertrophy. Also my left shoulder is messed up (no problems for a while but I know the injury is there waiting to happen again) so I dont think I could ever go really heavy training. For example, if I shoulderpress more than 100 lbs I know I'll get in trouble. If I benchpress heavier than 180-190 I'll get in trouble. If I do DIPS with more than 40-45 lbs strapped around my waist I'll get in trouble.

                      Gironda "style" has a ton of different routines and covers low, medium, high reps along with many different splits along with supershort resting times to pretty long ones. There are even serious bulk and power routines, like 15x4 or 10-8-6-15. There is so much to pick when it comes to Gironda style, its just that I aint using a fraction of it, kinda doing what pleases me and also whats not injuring me.

                      If I listened more to my wonderful trainer Bill (Wicked Willie here on IOL) who trained me for free for a full year and even afterwards he didnt give up on me... if I just listened to him (who is in my opinion the most "overall" knowledgeable person here) I coulda been a hulk by now and even look like one.

                      GG me

                      IronOnline = best

                        Eric R
                        Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (21)
                        Total Posts:264

                        Gunvalds log: Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training
                        06-28-20 05:05 PM - Post#899725

                        Pretty much EVERYTHING you said resonated with me. I definitely look for the "magic routine" for size.

                        I guess for me, the routine I'm at peace with is training to Failure. I just love it. I recover from it pretty well as long as I keep it to one set. My heart rate and conditioning are great on it too. I run into trouble doing TOO many sets to failure. But other than that I'm good. WRT aches and pains, I definitely run into problems deadlifting with low reps. Also doing full body more than 2* a week with low reps mixed in with volume. The latter I tend to forget and my shoulder is a bit achy right now because of that. Lol, happens though I guess.

                        This post by WW made me want to give Cumulative fatigue a try as I seemed to do pretty well the last time doing it Cajin style.

                        • Wicked Willie Said:

                        So far as his training ideas...they are basically sound. However, anytime you start forcing reps in the squat, injury potential is there. Same for training to near failure on heavy compound lifts.

                        Personally, I received far more benefit from his restatement of Vince Gironda's 6x6 high density workout, that Stuart labelled "cumulative fatigue." 6 sets of 6 reps (or whatever set/rep you're using) with minimal rest between sets (15-20 seconds or steadily decreasing rest internals over time.) I had better pumps, more size and less injury when training this way. Strength gains not quite as great but everything else was good.


                        My buddy's split is simple. A 3 way split done every other day, Push/Legs/Pull, with 2 days off after the pull. So he hits a bp 2* a week. One exercise per bodypart part either 3*5 or 3*8 with 30 seconds rest. His arms are definitely bigger than mine and he looks pretty muscular when he leans down.

                        There is a guy that has a training log in Darden's that trains with a strength/Gironda combo on an upper/lower split, also every other day (3* a week 2 days off for the weekend). He has trained his son with JUST Gironda style sets on an upper/lower split also one exercise per BP. He put up pictures of his son and they were pretty impressive.

                        Here is a post I saved:

                        • Quoting:

                        Targeted Training (what he calls Girondas short rest sets)
                        If I was training for physique purpose , then I would follow a targeted muscle training programme of moderate weight only and perform reps that were more in the hypertrophy range ( for me ).

                        Legs-10+ reps , Calves- 25+ reps upperbody- 8+ reps , Arms- 10+ reps

                        Sets- would be 5-8 per exercise with the objective of cumulative fatigue and never to failure .

                        I would be chasing fatigue and NOT performance so the respite would be minimal between sets ( 10-15 breaths / hyperventilating ) and the workout would be brief.

                        Diet- would be Low carb , high fat , moderate protein with a high glycemic index carb spike post workout . And I would be monitoring the mirror ( not scale ) for changes in body composition , as we don't wish to be FAT.

                        Edited by Eric R on 06-28-20 05:07 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.

                          Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (22)
                          Total Posts:4442

                          Gironda style
                          06-29-20 01:42 AM - Post#899736

                          • Eric R Said:

                          Pretty much EVERYTHING you said resonated with me. I definitely look for the "magic routine" for size. I guess for me, the routine I'm at peace with is training to Failure. I just love it. I recover from it pretty well as long as I keep it to one set. My heart rate and conditioning are great on it too. I run into trouble doing TOO many sets to failure. But other than that I'm good. WRT aches and pains, I definitely run into problems deadlifting with low reps. Also doing full body more than 2* a week with low reps mixed in with volume. The latter I tend to forget and my shoulder is a bit achy right now because of that. Lol, happens though I guess.

                          Good that you found a routine that you are in peace with and do well with it. I decided to give up training to failure or anywhere close to it. It's going to feel weird exercising at 85 to 90% but I always wanted to give this a shot and test it properly, like a year or so. I took a week off from training so I can fully recover and start my "new" approach to training. It starts today.

                          • Eric R Said:

                          My buddy's split is simple. A 3 way split done every other day, Push/Legs/Pull, with 2 days off after the pull. So he hits a bp 2* a week. One exercise per bodypart part either 3*5 or 3*8 with 30 seconds rest. His arms are definitely bigger than mine and he looks pretty muscular when he leans down.

                          There is a guy that has a training log in Darden's that trains with a strength/Gironda combo on an upper/lower split, also every other day (3* a week 2 days off for the weekend). He has trained his son with JUST Gironda style sets on an upper/lower split also one exercise per BP. He put up pictures of his son and they were pretty impressive.

                          Wow, so he hits only 1 exercise per body part in 3x8 style? You mean he does only 3 sets x8 reps per musclegroup? Like 3 sets for chest, 3 sets for back etc? And still makes good gains? Darn, thats impressive! When i did 3x8 I was doing upper / lower split with 2 exercises per body part. 1 compound followed by 1 isolation. It was really good and gave me quick results. What always gave me best results is 6x6 where I do 2 exercises per body part, like upper body workout where I do 2 exercises for chest, 2 for back, 2 for shoulders and 2 for biceps... a total of 48 sets usually done (if I remember correctly) in 40 minutes. The body instantly explodes in look, like a week later you see reults. Not sure if it is the pump or waterretention but man it changes the body so fast. Its extremely brutal though, gotta be very, very condtioned physically and mentally to fire off 48 sets in 40 minutes. You'll feel slammed for at least 3 days and need 4-5 days of rest inbetween every such session. EDIT: actually more than 4-5 days Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (23)

                          • Eric R Said:

                          Here is a post I saved:

                          Targeted Training (what he calls Girondas short rest sets)
                          If I was training for physique purpose , then I would follow a targeted muscle training programme of moderate weight only and perform reps that were more in the hypertrophy range ( for me ).

                          Legs-10+ reps , Calves- 25+ reps upperbody- 8+ reps , Arms- 10+ reps

                          Sets- would be 5-8 per exercise with the objective of cumulative fatigue and never to failure .

                          I would be chasing fatigue and NOT performance so the respite would be minimal between sets ( 10-15 breaths / hyperventilating ) and the workout would be brief.

                          Diet- would be Low carb , high fat , moderate protein with a high glycemic index carb spike post workout . And I would be monitoring the mirror ( not scale ) for changes in body composition , as we don't wish to be FAT.

                          Thanks! Is there a link to this guys posts/threads? Would be fun to see.

                          IronOnline = best

                            Eric R
                            Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (24)
                            Total Posts:264

                            06-29-20 02:20 AM - Post#899737

                            Yeah, my buddy trains with just one exercise on PLP BUT, just tonight he was mentioning how it's hit and miss so he's doing a 2 way split VERY similar to the guy on Darden's site. I forgot to ask about the sets but I'm fairly sure it's 3x5 or 3x8 that's what he likes with about 30 secs rest.

                            The guy on Darden't site is names Turpin, it's a HIT site but he doesn't really train with HIT. Here is his's a long one and I kind of just found posts throughout his log and saved a few. He trains about 2 lifts with low reps and Gironda on the rest on an upper lower split.

                            Here is the place in the log where he mentions that he would just focus on Gironda style training, he calls it Targeted muscle though.

                  ;jsessionid=477E4D78A52 68FBEA87649C99224C1CB.hydra?id=550337&amp...

                              Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (25)
                              Total Posts:4442

                              06-29-20 02:52 AM - Post#899739

                              • Eric R Said:

                              Yeah, my buddy trains with just one exercise on PLP BUT, just tonight he was mentioning how it's hit and miss so he's doing a 2 way split VERY similar to the guy on Darden's site. I forgot to ask about the sets but I'm fairly sure it's 3x5 or 3x8 that's what he likes with about 30 secs rest.

                              The guy on Darden't site is names Turpin, it's a HIT site but he doesn't really train with HIT. Here is his's a long one and I kind of just found posts throughout his log and saved a few. He trains about 2 lifts with low reps and Gironda on the rest on an upper lower split.

                              Here is the place in the log where he mentions that he would just focus on Gironda style training, he calls it Targeted muscle though.

                    ;jsessionid=477E4D78A52 68FBEA87649C99224C1CB.hydra?id=550337&amp...

                              Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.

                              IronOnline = best

                                Eric R
                                Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (26)
                                Total Posts:264

                                06-29-20 03:00 AM - Post#899740

                                If you follow his log from the start, you can see how he changed and refined things quite a bit...there' a lot of info though, so the stuff towards the end is more how he trains now.

                                  Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (27)
                                  Total Posts:4442

                                  3x8 Upper Body
                                  06-29-20 04:34 PM - Post#899764

                                  Upper Body: 24 sets ~ 31 mins

                                  This was great. It was quite long ago I did 3x8, I missed it! Resistance and resting intervals are spot on except for EZ Curls, gonna increase weight there a bit and maybe even RI. Next one is on Wednesday and its going to be lower body.

                                  DIPS - 217 lbs bodyweight
                                  (45 sec)

                                  CHINS - assisted 100 lbs
                                  (60 sec)

                                  3x8 - 120 lbs
                                  (45 sec)

                                  Pendlay Row
                                  3x8 - 100 lbs
                                  (60 sec)

                                  DB Shoulderpress
                                  3x8 - 35 lbs
                                  (30 sec)

                                  DB Curls
                                  3x8 - 30 lbs
                                  (45 sec)

                                  Side Raises
                                  3x8 - 15 lbs
                                  (30 sec)

                                  EZ Barbell Curls
                                  3x8 - 50lbs
                                  (20 sec)

                                  • cardio 15 min

                                  IronOnline = best

                                    Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (28)
                                    Total Posts:4442

                                    6x6 - Shoulders and Biceps
                                    07-01-20 03:53 PM - Post#899821

                                    Shoulders and Biceps: 12 sets ~ 7 mins

                                    Just couldnt resist hitting biceps and shoulders. 12 sets is all I had but I did hit it hard and fast. Tomorrow I will hit either lower body or chest and back.

                                    DB Shoulderpress
                                    6x6 - 35 lbs
                                    (15 sec)

                                    DB Curls
                                    6x6 - 30 lbs
                                    (15 sec)

                                    IronOnline = best

                                      Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (29)
                                      Total Posts:4442

                                      3x8 - Chest and Back
                                      07-02-20 05:45 AM - Post#899840

                                      Chest and Back: 9 sets ~ 12 min

                                      Didnt dare to do more than 9 sets, I felt it was about to get too much. So, 9 sets executed in 12 minutes and then I finished it off with 12 min of cardio + few sets of COC 1 gripper. I'd like to exercise again tonight, I just have extreme exercise fever and these short sessions are just like an elixir right now Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (30)

                                      CHINS - assisted 100 lbs
                                      (60 sec)

                                      DIPS - 220 lbs bodyweight
                                      (45 sec)

                                      Pendlay Row
                                      3x8 - 100 lbs
                                      (60 sec)

                                      IronOnline = best

                                        Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (31)
                                        Total Posts:4442

                                        6x6 - Lower Body
                                        07-03-20 05:01 AM - Post#899878

                                        Lower Body: 12 sets in 10 mins


                                        Goblet Squats
                                        6x6 - 28 kg
                                        (30 sec)

                                        Trapbar low Deadlifts
                                        6x6 - 185 lbs
                                        (30 sec)

                                        Wow, what a difference to only do squats and deadlifts alone compared to doing squats or deadlifts baked in the Full Body workout where the last exercise is squats or deads!! LOL, the energy and stamina level is on another planet! Todays workout felt easy, them Goblets were no match at all and trapbardeads felt even easier. Its time to ramp it up properly! Next time I'm dropping the resting times down to 20 sec and I'm sure I'll handle that. After that it stime to increase the weight on both exercises, time to do 32 kg goblets and 225 lbs trapdeadlifts, but ofc I'll have to increase the resting times between sets drastically, maybe 100-120 sec which is gonna feel like eternity but its gonna give me extreme recovery between sets compared to 20 sec and thus I'll handle the heavier weights without being close to failure, we'll see how it goes.

                                        edit: later tonight I'm going for a short run.

                                        edit: my lower back feels rock solid, it feels so great!! seems like all my lowerback problems are just gone witha wind! Its wonderful to be able and do deadlifts!

                                        IronOnline = best

                                          Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (32)
                                          Total Posts:1741

                                          07-03-20 06:03 AM - Post#899880

                                          Great stuff Gunvald, good to see you enjoying your squats and DL's.

                                          I always find squatting at the start of full body workouts works best for me. Get the big stuff out of the way.

                                          Regarding your lower back, what have you been doing to remedy your problems?

                                          'You can throw in the towel or use it to wipe the sweat off your face and keep going'

                                          'Well ain't this place a geographical oddity? Two weeks from everywhere.' Ulysses Everett McGill

                                            Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (33)
                                            Total Posts:4442

                                            Gunvalds log: Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training
                                            07-04-20 02:54 AM - Post#899917

                                            • Volumiza Said:

                                            Great stuff Gunvald, good to see you enjoying your squats and DL's.

                                            I always find squatting at the start of full body workouts works best for me. Get the big stuff out of the way.

                                            Regarding your lower back, what have you been doing to remedy your problems?

                                            Thanks Volumiza!

                                            I've been doing Pete Egoscue method which is all about getting your body back to proper natural alignment. The stuff is pure magic if you do it correctly. I spend about 1 hour per session and maybe 4-5 sessions per week doing following:

                                            • static back
                                            • supine groin stretch with towels under my lumbar
                                            • supine groin without towels
                                            • airbench
                                            • quad, ham, chest, shoulder stretch
                                            • bar hangs
                                            • and a few other stretches that are hard to explain :D

                                            By far, the silverbullett of Pete Egoscue method is supine groin stretch and static back stretch. Without these 2 exercises u can forget the rest because it all starts with hips and pelvis. If you dont "allign" that then you can forget getting proper results from stretching anything else. The hips and the spine must be in their correct allignment or angles, if you fix that the rest will follow along with other stretches. But the core stretches are supine groin and static back, must do those 2.

                                            Pete Egoscue is absolute magic.

                                            IronOnline = best

                                              Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (34)
                                              Total Posts:5576

                                              Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (35) Gunvalds log: Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training
                                              07-04-20 09:06 AM - Post#899921

                                              • Gunvald Said:

                                              CJ is the guy, they don't make them like that anymore.

                                              Maybe not- but you are a guy in making, too, for sure. :-)

                                              "Just continue".
                                              Progress is always in the practice itself. It's a way to live.

                                              Demands of perfection (our own or others' expectations) ) can be scary. What if you give it all you can and then it is not enough? And you fail? Indoor own eye and in other's eyes? That is a 'scary thought'. No one wants to loose, ever.

                                              Therefore it seems to be much easier to quit, at least for a while because then one needs to restart.....and restart....and restart...and just dream on........but in dreaming the potential remains unrealized.

                                              It's not easy on the top. The top is not a permanent place either. The question "Now what?" will stare you in the face soon enough. Master both the tops and the valleys.

                                              So called "failing" is another strategy that gets employed, often unconsciously:
                                              By failing you prove that you are not a person to count on and thus indirectly you get rid of the feared expectations (yours or others'). But it is sad because your true potential gets lost and the real gifts that you can offer to yourself and to others get destroyed ( i.e. Paolo Roberto recently is a shining example of that scenario of ruining your [......] fill in the blank)

                                              We all have different 'protective' mental mechanisms to cope with life.
                                              Just understand that to fail 'unconsciously' feels safer than risking the failure while trying to master some task or create something.

                                              When you never dare to measure up to your own expectations it seems as if there is nothing to loose because there is always "a future marine" that remains unrealized.

                                              If you look deeply enough it is a fear of death behind, of being mortal. Thus we chase immortality and there are many symbols of imortality. One is to become historical.

                                              See through this mental trick and just learn to enjoy your own life journey. It is 'the journey' that constitutes a true life and love and mastery. When you know you do your best then you own yourself and become your best. That is always enough because it is honest and therefore inspiring to others, too.

                                              Ponder this and rejoyce and keep on training. :-)) There is only one of you.

                                              Your log looks great. Just continue and experiment. That equals experience. :-)))

                                              Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

                                                Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (36)
                                                Total Posts:4442

                                                07-05-20 08:44 AM - Post#899963

                                                Thanks, Pink!

                                                Gonna continue no matter what. Will never give up.

                                                IronOnline = best

                                                  Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (37)
                                                  Total Posts:4442

                                                  3x8 - Upper Body
                                                  07-05-20 01:26 PM - Post#899973

                                                  Upper Body: 12 sets ~ 14 min

                                                  I was gonna go for 24 sets upper body but I just didnt feel that I have energy for such volume. So I went for 12 sets and that was satisfying enough along with 14 min cardio. A total of 28 minutes of training that wont slam me and I'll prolly be able to do squats and deadlifts tomorrow. Cant wait!

                                                  (40 sec)

                                                  CHINS - assisted 90 lbs
                                                  (60 sec)

                                                  DB Shoulderpress
                                                  3x8 - 35 lbs
                                                  (30 sec)

                                                  DB Curls
                                                  3x8 - 30 lbs
                                                  (40 sec)

                                                  • cardio = 14 min

                                                  IronOnline = best

                                                    Wicked Willie
                                                    Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (38)
                                                    Total Posts:16864

                                                    07-06-20 11:14 AM - Post#900006

                                                    Training is like dining at a fine restaurant.

                                                    You are presented with a menu with many choices on it but you can only successfully use a few at one time.

                                                    You realize that it is expensive, so you carefully select what you think you'll like.

                                                    When your meal arrives, you savor each course, eating slowly and methodically. That way, you can taste the nuances of each dish and get the most out of them. You don't hurry or gobble down each course, because you realize that when you have finished, they are unavailable to you until the next time.

                                                    You finish your meal with a dessert, that is something that you particularly like, to cap the experience.

                                                    Now, apply that to your training. Slow down, and taste each flavor.

                                                    "I'm in good shape for the shape I'm in."

                                                    "Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
                                                    no man comes to the Father, but by me." John 14:6

                                                      Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (39)
                                                      Total Posts:4442

                                                      6x6 - Lower Body
                                                      07-06-20 02:34 PM - Post#900016

                                                      Lower Body: 12 sets ~ 19 min


                                                      Goblet Squats
                                                      6x6 - 32 kg
                                                      (60 sec)

                                                      Trapbar low Deadlifts
                                                      6x6 - 210 lbs
                                                      (90 sec)

                                                      _________________________ _______________

                                                      I think I've been using same weight for deadlifts for like 8 months lol! Didnt dare to increase because I was afraid my back would get owned. Finally after many months of no back problems I have dared to bump the weight up! 185 lbs for 6x6 and 30 sec rest between sets didnt feel hard at all for a long while so I jumped up to 210 lbs and also tripled the resting times (from 30 to 90 sec) Had no problem handling this weight and 6x6, was far from failure (not trying to get there either). But for the rest of the year I'll stay with this weight and just decrease resting times eventually.

                                                      Goblet Squats
                                                      Weight increase from 28 kg to 32 kg and resting time doubled (from 30 to 60 sec). This was a bit harder than deadlifts but nowhere close to failure. I'll ride this weight till the end of this year but I'll work myself down to 20 sec rest btw sets.

                                                      Instantly after trapbardeadlifts I needed to empty my energy a bit more so I grabbed 2 kettlebells each weighing 32 kg and went for a 30 yards farmerwalk. Grip was giving up so I had to stop much sooner than expected. All in all this was a good session! Resting times were so darn long though, especially on trapbardeads. Was getting restless Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (40)

                                                      IronOnline = best

                                                        Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (41)
                                                        Total Posts:4442

                                                        so true
                                                        07-06-20 02:51 PM - Post#900017

                                                        • Wicked Willie Said:

                                                        Training is like dining at a fine restaurant.

                                                        You are presented with a menu with many choices on it but you can only successfully use a few at one time.

                                                        You realize that it is expensive, so you carefully select what you think you'll like.

                                                        When your meal arrives, you savor each course, eating slowly and methodically. That way, you can taste the nuances of each dish and get the most out of them. You don't hurry or gobble down each course, because you realize that when you have finished, they are unavailable to you until the next time.

                                                        You finish your meal with a dessert, that is something that you particularly like, to cap the experience.

                                                        Now, apply that to your training. Slow down, and taste each flavor.

                                                        What a wonderful post! I so enjoyed reading that, slowly!

                                                        Isnt it funny how I never applied the most important things that you tried to get into my head? For like 11 years I still havent accepted how "things" should be when it comes to training.

                                                        * Chasing that magic (magic is actually just simply lifting weights as CJ said)

                                                        * Overdoing it by exercising too often and too much

                                                        * Having mentality of ONE MORE REP! push as hard as you can on that last set!

                                                        * Obsessing over other small things I shouldnt

                                                        Lately I'm trying hard to change things, seems like its starting to work slowly.

                                                        IronOnline = best

                                                          Wicked Willie
                                                          Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (42)
                                                          Total Posts:16864

                                                          07-06-20 07:08 PM - Post#900027

                                                          Make those changes now so that your training longevity can increase. Once you've aged, you'll need to modify certain movements or eliminate them altogether.
                                                          Enjoy those movements while you can. Leave a little in the tank each session, feeling you could have done more...but you wisely saved some for next time.

                                                          The weights are tools that you use and you dictate to them what you want to achieve. They are not enemies to be overcome, they are tools that assist you. Tools have to be used properly, lest they break or leave you with a shoddy product.

                                                          I've had to make changes and can't consistently train as hard as I once trained. My joints are more delicate now and my recovery is limited. Therefore, I have to think, select and move wisely.

                                                          Move wisely, Gunvald.

                                                          "I'm in good shape for the shape I'm in."

                                                          "Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
                                                          no man comes to the Father, but by me." John 14:6

                                                            Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (43)
                                                            Total Posts:4442

                                                            thank you, I so will!
                                                            07-07-20 11:46 AM - Post#900061

                                                            I think I'm very soon ready to make them changes. I just want to go a bit wild during this summer. Not sure how and what, maybe extra frequency, volume or something. But I sure feel that its soon time to change things properly. During all these years I've improved some things but very far from how much I need to change.

                                                            I'm so happy I found Irononline! Man, this is a goldmine!

                                                            IronOnline = best

                                                              Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (44)
                                                              Total Posts:4442

                                                              3x8 - Upper Body
                                                              07-07-20 03:34 PM - Post#900066

                                                              Upper Body: 12 sets ~ 11 min

                                                              Just felt fresh enough to hit it and so I did. With such low volume I feel that I'm doing half of work that I used to do lol! 12 sets upper body? This is easy! I'm used to 24 sets upper body sessions for years or 30 sets Full Body. Today I felt that my strength in DIPS and ROWS has increased slightly. I should really rest tomorrow though, low volume or not, I shouldnt lift weights daily.

                                                              (40 sec)

                                                              Pendlay Row
                                                              3x8 - 100 lbs
                                                              (60 sec)

                                                              Side Laterals
                                                              3x8 - 18 lbs
                                                              (30 sec)

                                                              EZ BB Curls
                                                              3x8 - 72 lbs
                                                              (20 sec)

                                                              • cardio = 15 min

                                                              IronOnline = best

                                                                Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (45)
                                                                Total Posts:5576

                                                                Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (46) Re: thank you, I so will!
                                                                07-09-20 05:56 AM - Post#900127

                                                                • Gunvald Said:

                                                                I just want to go a bit wild during this summer.

                                                                Huh? What for?

                                                                Wicked is watching.....thanks god. Print out those two posts and put them where you see them. :-)) but be who you are, too.

                                                                Good job, Gunvald.

                                                                Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

                                                                  Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (47)
                                                                  Total Posts:4442

                                                                  Re: thank you, I so will!
                                                                  07-09-20 08:08 AM - Post#900130

                                                                  • pink.pixie Said:
                                                                  • Gunvald Said:

                                                                  I just want to go a bit wild during this summer.

                                                                  Huh? What for?

                                                                  Wicked is watching.....thanks god. Print out those two posts and put them where you see them. :-)) but be who you are, too.

                                                                  Good job, Gunvald.

                                                                  I usually feel for extra training during summer but it doesnt last long because I overtrain fast and get slammed Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (48)

                                                                  This time I think I'll go for blitz low volume sessions (12 sets per session) and just ride that for as long as I feel for it. Been doing a bit of it lately and I like it.

                                                                  Yeah I should. Infact I will later today just before training. I love that he is still around and checking up on me.


                                                                  IronOnline = best

                                                                    Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (49)
                                                                    Total Posts:4442

                                                                    3x8 - Upper Body
                                                                    07-09-20 11:15 AM - Post#900138

                                                                    Upper Body: 12 sets ~ 12 min

                                                                    Wow, cool! I feel strength increase on every exercise. Now is the time where I usually would decrease resting times and push harder but guess what, I will stay with this exact resistance (reps, sets, resting times) for many weeks. I'm kinda experimenting on something, my wife is doing the same. Had a rest day yesterday and I feel 110% fresh today. Cool thing is that I just started to cook properly at set 11-12 but that was it! Training was over! Tomorrow is deadlifts and squats, cant wait!

                                                                    (40 sec)

                                                                    CHINS - assisted 90 lbs
                                                                    (60 sec)

                                                                    DB Shoulderpress
                                                                    3x8 - 35 lbs
                                                                    (30 sec)

                                                                    DB Curls
                                                                    3x8 - 30 lbs
                                                                    (40 sec)

                                                                    IronOnline = best

                                                                      Wicked Willie
                                                                      Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (50)
                                                                      Total Posts:16864

                                                                      07-10-20 09:18 AM - Post#900170

                                                                      If you can't get a good pump in 12 sets...something needs to be adjusted. You may need to slightly increase your protein and don't pump well without them in proper supply. You may actually need to decrease the weight slightly and mentally CONCENTRATE on what you're doing.

                                                                      Larry Scott used to tape measure his arms after every set. As long as there was a slight increase, he'd continue to do sets. Once his measurement decreased, he'd note what number set that was and never do that many again, since it indicated overtraining. For example, he did 8 sets of curls. Each one showed an increase. He really thought he was going to "blast it" out of this word with a ninth set...but when he measured his arm again, it had shrunk by 1/16 inch. Eight sets was his "pump thresh hold" so he would limit his sets to 8 when doing that movement.
                                                                      Naturally, this will vary slightly from session to session. The point is this, chasing the pump is fine and it feels good but there is a definite limit that you shouldn't exceed. You don't need to measure like this every time you train...but it can be a useful feedback tool if you're experiencing diminished results.

                                                                      The fact that you felt a strength increase when limiting your sets is significant. Pay attention to that.

                                                                      Remember when I first trained you and had you doing 4 sets of 8-12? There was a reason for that. It was to teach you how to get the most out of a limited amount of sets, so that you could grow with just a normal amount of rest. Pushing too hard will just increase the amount of rest you need and slow your gains "Stimulate," don't annihilate!"

                                                                      "I'm in good shape for the shape I'm in."

                                                                      "Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
                                                                      no man comes to the Father, but by me." John 14:6

                                                                        Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (51)
                                                                        Total Posts:4442

                                                                        Gunvalds log: Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training
                                                                        07-13-20 03:42 AM - Post#900244

                                                                        • Wicked Willie Said:

                                                                        If you can't get a good pump in 12 sets...something needs to be adjusted. You may need to slightly increase your protein and don't pump well without them in proper supply. You may actually need to decrease the weight slightly and mentally CONCENTRATE on what you're doing.

                                                                        Larry Scott used to tape measure his arms after every set. As long as there was a slight increase, he'd continue to do sets. Once his measurement decreased, he'd note what number set that was and never do that many again, since it indicated overtraining. For example, he did 8 sets of curls. Each one showed an increase. He really thought he was going to "blast it" out of this word with a ninth set...but when he measured his arm again, it had shrunk by 1/16 inch. Eight sets was his "pump thresh hold" so he would limit his sets to 8 when doing that movement.
                                                                        Naturally, this will vary slightly from session to session. The point is this, chasing the pump is fine and it feels good but there is a definite limit that you shouldn't exceed. You don't need to measure like this every time you train...but it can be a useful feedback tool if you're experiencing diminished results

                                                                        Thats a very good idea that I will try out in soon future. Thanks so much.

                                                                        • Wicked Willie Said:

                                                                        The fact that you felt a strength increase when limiting your sets is significant. Pay attention to that.

                                                                        I definitely will. I also am not pushing as hard as before. I'm excited to see what kinda results I'm gonna get from this. I'm thinking to keep on experimenting with this for a year at least.

                                                                        • Wicked Willie Said:

                                                                        Remember when I first trained you and had you doing 4 sets of 8-12? There was a reason for that. It was to teach you how to get the most out of a limited amount of sets, so that you could grow with just a normal amount of rest. Pushing too hard will just increase the amount of rest you need and slow your gains "Stimulate," don't annihilate!"

                                                                        Yep, sure do, I remember so many things and also I have screenhots taken from what I think are the most important posts from this whole forum/site. Got over 5000 screens.

                                                                        Lately I really stopped pushing too hard and I'm actually trying to "Stimulate" instead of "Annihilate" My wife is doing the same experiment. It's very exciting to see whats gonna happen in a year or so.

                                                                        IronOnline = best

                                                                          Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (52)
                                                                          Total Posts:4442

                                                                          3x8 - Full Body
                                                                          07-13-20 02:31 PM - Post#900259

                                                                          Full Body: 15 sets ~ 18 min


                                                                          (40 sec)

                                                                          CHINS - assisted 90 lbs
                                                                          (60 sec)

                                                                          DB Shoulderpress
                                                                          3x8 - 35 lbs
                                                                          (30 sec)

                                                                          DB Curls
                                                                          3x8 - 30 lbs
                                                                          (40 sec)

                                                                          Trapbar Deadlifts
                                                                          3x8 - 210 lbs
                                                                          (60 sec)

                                                                          IronOnline = best

                                                                            Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (53)
                                                                            Total Posts:4442

                                                                            3x8 - Full Body
                                                                            07-16-20 02:51 PM - Post#900377

                                                                            Full Body: 15 sets ~ 17 min

                                                                            Two days of full rest and I feel another strength increase. Very cool. I feel now that I have at least 3 reps left for dips, 2 for chins, 4 for shoulderpresses, 2 for curls and... lol prolly 9-10 for deadlifts. But I'm following my plan and I wont increase resistance for 5-6 more weeks Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (54)

                                                                            edit: next morning I feel super fresh, its like I can go and do another Full Body right now, this is kinda fascinating me.

                                                                            (40 sec)

                                                                            CHINS - assisted 90 lbs
                                                                            (60 sec)

                                                                            DB Shoulderpress
                                                                            3x8 - 35 lbs
                                                                            (30 sec)

                                                                            DB Curls
                                                                            3x8 - 30 lbs
                                                                            (40 sec)

                                                                            Trapbar Deadlifts
                                                                            3x8 - 210 lbs
                                                                            (60 sec)

                                                                            IronOnline = best

                                                                              Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (55)
                                                                              Total Posts:4442

                                                                              3x8 - Full Body
                                                                              07-18-20 05:46 AM - Post#900429

                                                                              Full Body: 15 sets ~ 19 min

                                                                              Wow, another strength increase and thats on all exercises, especially chins and shoulderpresses. And I only rested 1 day since the last Full Body workout. This is now really exciting. I've been training in a new way for almost 3 weeks now and im fascinated by whats going on. And the only thing I changed was... lowering the volume and not pushing hardcore like I always used to do on almost all exercises. Could it really be that my body is now finally ina growing mega mode... its getting enough recovery.. and its not getting too much volume... LOL... is it really that simple! Time will tell Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (56)

                                                                              (40 sec)

                                                                              CHINS - assisted 90 lbs
                                                                              (60 sec)

                                                                              DB Shoulderpress
                                                                              3x8 - 35 lbs
                                                                              (30 sec)

                                                                              DB Curls
                                                                              3x8 - 30 lbs
                                                                              (40 sec)

                                                                              Pistol Squats
                                                                              3x8 - assisted
                                                                              (60 sec)

                                                                              IronOnline = best

                                                                                Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (57)
                                                                                Total Posts:4442

                                                                                3x8 - Full Body
                                                                                07-20-20 05:19 AM - Post#900495

                                                                                Full Body: 15 sets ~ 18 min

                                                                                BW = 217 lbs

                                                                                (40 sec)

                                                                                CHINS - assisted 80 lbs
                                                                                (60 sec)

                                                                                DB Shoulderpress
                                                                                2x8 - 35 lbs
                                                                                1x13 - 35 lbs
                                                                                (30 sec)

                                                                                DB Curls
                                                                                3x8 - 30 lbs
                                                                                (40 sec)

                                                                                Trapbar Deadlifts
                                                                                3x8 - 210 lbs
                                                                                (60 sec)

                                                                                _________________________ ________

                                                                                Cant believe it but I feel stronger for each session and today was no exception. I couldnt resist not to test myself a bit (shouldnt have done that, should stick with the plan) and when I was doing CHINS i "removed" about 10-12 lbs of resistance and I still could do all sets and reps... and on shoulder presses I went for it even harder and on the last set I wanted to find out how much left there was in me. So I did 2x8 and then the third set was 13 reps and I still had 1 left in me. Crazy strength increases for 3 weeks now. How am I supposed to do this for 6 more weeks, its gonna be impossible, I feel that I'm kinda starting to cruise and the urge of pushing hard is growing. What I really love though is the extreme recovery that I feel, I never feel rocked anymore and already the next day I feel like I could go again. Also, I can exercise more frequently! Hopefully I'll stick with the plan, I dont see why I wouldnt... its just that growing emotion that prolly will take over. Dang!

                                                                                IronOnline = best

                                                                                  Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (58)
                                                                                  Total Posts:5576

                                                                                  Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (59) Gunvalds log: Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training
                                                                                  07-20-20 08:05 AM - Post#900502

                                                                                  Stuff the emotion and stay with the feeling and "Da plan" . Stay put and see where this plan takes you.

                                                                                  Testing now is like testing to jump out of an airplane without a know know where it will go.

                                                                                  All your training goes well. I suggest you surf this wave, enjoy it and keep the balance. It is as mental as physical where you are. Remember Wicked's recent posts and what he tried to convey.

                                                                                  Trust yourself. It seems to me that as if you[ in this training period] are reaping fruit of all your learning since you started. Cool.

                                                                                  If you feel tempted to experiment maybe reread your log from the start.

                                                                                  Unsolicited advice from me for sure [as always] but I am qualified by the distance. ;-) It's easy to have opinions in such case. :-))

                                                                                  Alltså, det verkar gå jätte bra just nu och det är super kul att höra. Verkligen. Jag tänker som så: sitt lugnt i båten och kör övningarna efter ditt schema. Det är en resa så vänta vart den tar dig den här gången. Så klart det är frestande att vilja testa om du kan göra lite mera och lite till och lite snabbare o.s.v. men ge kroppen en rymlig chans att återhämta sig och hänga med på dess egna villkor så att du inte drar på dig någon onödig skada. Den mentala sidan är viktig i sammanhanget.

                                                                                  Det är tillåtet att ha det bra, lyckas, gilla det du gör och bara rulla på. Det behöver inte vara strul hela tiden. Du är värd din framgång. Bra jobb du gör. Lycka till. Tummen upp.

                                                                                  Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

                                                                                    Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (60)
                                                                                    Total Posts:4442

                                                                                    ja.. du har såååå rätt... men
                                                                                    07-21-20 02:41 AM - Post#900525

                                                                                    • pink.pixie Said:

                                                                                    Stuff the emotion and stay with the feeling and "Da plan" . Stay put and see where this plan takes you.

                                                                                    Testing now is like testing to jump out of an airplane without a know know where it will go.

                                                                                    All your training goes well. I suggest you surf this wave, enjoy it and keep the balance. It is as mental as physical where you are. Remember Wicked's recent posts and what he tried to convey.

                                                                                    Trust yourself. It seems to me that as if you[ in this training period] are reaping fruit of all your learning since you started. Cool.

                                                                                    If you feel tempted to experiment maybe reread your log from the start.

                                                                                    Unsolicited advice from me for sure [as always] but I am qualified by the distance. ;-) It's easy to have opinions in such case. :-))

                                                                                    Alltså, det verkar gå jätte bra just nu och det är super kul att höra. Verkligen. Jag tänker som så: sitt lugnt i båten och kör övningarna efter ditt schema. Det är en resa så vänta vart den tar dig den här gången. Så klart det är frestande att vilja testa om du kan göra lite mera och lite till och lite snabbare o.s.v. men ge kroppen en rymlig chans att återhämta sig och hänga med på dess egna villkor så att du inte drar på dig någon onödig skada. Den mentala sidan är viktig i sammanhanget.

                                                                                    Det är tillåtet att ha det bra, lyckas, gilla det du gör och bara rulla på. Det behöver inte vara strul hela tiden. Du är värd din framgång. Bra jobb du gör. Lycka till. Tummen upp.

                                                                                    Working very hard to stick with the plan but it is crazy how the emotions are growing and want to take over. This emotion is about pushing much harder and doing much more volume. Its like I love to feel that I was in a serious battle, battle that rocked me and made me really fight. And ofc its also about serious endorphine rush too. Maybe I just feel incomplete if I dont go at it the way I want it.

                                                                                    I'm sitting here and typing at 8.40 am and I feel superurge to go and exercise, I feel superfresh and I just wanna go and hit it despite doing a decent Full Body yesterday and being quite satisfied with it. Not sure how I'm gonna stop myself from not slamming another Full Body today. That would be very bad though, shouldnt do 2 Full Body session in 2 days lol! Gotta respect the recovery, staying injury free is even more important. Hmm, crazy how bad I am at controlling myself when it comes to training.

                                                                                    I think I should have a talk with my wife Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (61)

                                                                                    IronOnline = best

                                                                                      Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (62)
                                                                                      Total Posts:4442

                                                                                      3x8 and 3x12 - Full Body
                                                                                      07-22-20 04:42 AM - Post#900560

                                                                                      Full Body: 15 sets ~ 20 mins

                                                                                      BW = 217 lbs

                                                                                      3x12 - 110 lbs
                                                                                      (30 sec)

                                                                                      Pendlay Row
                                                                                      3x8 - 100 lbs
                                                                                      (60 sec)

                                                                                      Bent Over Lateral Raises
                                                                                      3x12 - 13 lbs
                                                                                      (30 sec)

                                                                                      EZ Barbell Curls
                                                                                      3x8 - 80 lbs
                                                                                      (40 sec)

                                                                                      Pistol Squats
                                                                                      3x8 - assisted
                                                                                      (60 sec)
                                                                                      _________________________ __________

                                                                                      My bench is really weak. LOL, all I could manage is 3x12 with 30 sec rest and only 110 lbs. I am at 95% in bench so I'm gonna stay with this resistance and RI for 5-6 weeks, gotta let that strength build up before I increase resistance.

                                                                                      Its very hard to deal with my "exercise" emotions. I was suffering yesterday because I had an extreme urge to exercise but I forced myself to rest. Cant hit FULL BODY every day just because all of a sudden I feel extreme recovery because I stopped pushing hardcore and dropped the volume properly too. Had a nice talk with my wife yesterday about this and combination of my wifes talk and Pinks post somehow got me through.

                                                                                      Robbins is someone I am gonna devote myself to from today. That dude seems like the best of best when it comes to anything life related. Lets see how his books, seminars, youtube clips etc can help me out with my exercise problem. There is absolutely something wrong with me when it comes to training (or emotions) and I gotta dig deep to find out whats up.

                                                                                      FORGOT ABOUT...
                                                                                      Progress! Felt stronger in rows, curls and squats compared to last time I did those exercises. This is too darn cool, hahaha! ... how does it make sense that I'm probably achieving my best progress ever (fastest) but I'm not pushing to the max and not getting into that deep hardcore zone where you are driven by crazy emotions so u can perform to the max and then u get rocked for days... My goodness, I feel like I discovered something big, big but simple!

                                                                                      IronOnline = best

                                                                                        Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (63)
                                                                                        Total Posts:4442

                                                                                        3x8 and 3x10 - Upper Body
                                                                                        07-24-20 03:34 AM - Post#900643

                                                                                        Upper Body: 12 sets ~ 14 min

                                                                                        BW = 218 lbs

                                                                                        DIPS - wide grip
                                                                                        (40 sec)

                                                                                        CHINS - assisted 80 lbs
                                                                                        (60 sec)

                                                                                        DB Shoulderpress
                                                                                        3x10 - 35 lbs
                                                                                        (30 sec)

                                                                                        DB Curls
                                                                                        3x10 - 30 lbs
                                                                                        (40 sec)

                                                                                        _________________________ ________

                                                                                        I felt so strong today, man, I just decided that it was time to finally increase resistance!!! I've been having maybe the best strength increases ever (last 4 weeks) and I increased quite a lot of strength while keeping the same weight, sets, reps and resting intervals. I never did this before, because as soon as I feel strength increase I increase resistance, I used to rush it like crazy. So today I used wider grip on DIPS, decreased resistance on CHINS with 10 lbs, increased reps from 3x8 to 3x10 for both shoulderpresses and curls. Ahhhhhh, it felt great! I was on the or very close to the limit on all exercises except DIPS. And on curls I had to take rest pause twice to be able and do them reps. Man, that was joy! LOL!

                                                                                        How do I feel about it afterwards? Well, I'm not that happy with breaking the plan... I was gonna stick with the same resistance on all exercises till at least 1 September! Yeah, lol good luck with that!!! Tomorrow I'm doing deadlifts and pistolsquats. Time to increase there too, but just a bit. Cant risk my lower back and knee.

                                                                                        IronOnline = best

                                                                                          Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (64)
                                                                                          Total Posts:4442

                                                                                          3x8 / 3x10 - Upper Body
                                                                                          07-26-20 04:52 AM - Post#900693

                                                                                          Upper Body: 12 sets ~ 14 min

                                                                                          BW = 220 lbs

                                                                                          DIPS - wide
                                                                                          (30 sec)

                                                                                          CHINS - assisted 80 lbs
                                                                                          (60 sec)

                                                                                          DB Shoulderpress
                                                                                          3x10 - 35 lbs
                                                                                          (30 sec)

                                                                                          DB Curls
                                                                                          3x10 - 30 lbs
                                                                                          (60 sec)

                                                                                          _________________________ ________

                                                                                          I should stay with this resistance (sets, reps, resting times) for at least 10 weeks now. I'm on the absolute limit for DIPS (lowered the RI from 40 to 30)... same goes for CHINS... with 80 lbs assistance I can hardly make 3x8 (the last few reps are not full range anyway)... shoulderpresses are over the limit cuz I need to make 5 sec rest pause to be able and squeeze last 2 reps on the last set... and curls lol.. I had to increase RI from 40 to 60 with 1 rest pause to be able and do the increased reps.. So, the resistance is very hard now for these 4 exercises and I am making a plan here that I will stick to... for the next 10 weeks I will not increase any resistance whatsoever! I'll let my body get used to this...strengthen... get conditioned and reap the benefits before its time for next ramp up!

                                                                                          To have the discipline and follow this plan is going to be extremely hard for me, because ima hardhead who always rushed the progress by pushing always over the limit. This is a new territory for me but I am very willing to give it a shot and see what happens. Infact, I should give this "new way" of training at least a year...

                                                                                          IronOnline = best

                                                                                            Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (65)
                                                                                            Total Posts:1741

                                                                                            Re: 3x8 / 3x10 - Upper Body
                                                                                            07-26-20 05:35 AM - Post#900694

                                                                                            • Gunvald Said:

                                                                                            To have the discipline and follow this plan is going to be extremely hard for me, because ima hardhead who always rushed the progress by pushing always over the limit. This is a new territory for me but I am very willing to give it a shot and see what happens. Infact, I should give this "new way" of training at least a year...

                                                                                            Gunvald, I’ve been reading your log and I can only recommend giving this a try. I have been doing something similar since January / February and have seen really good results.

                                                                                            At first it seemed strange not being crippled with DOMs after each workout, like I wasn’t working hard enough but I’ve found great satisfaction in dropping the weights in almost everything and really focusing on form and the targeted muscle. My aim is to reach almost failure on rep 8 of the 3rd set and not move up any weight until I can hit the full 3 sets of 10. Then I’ll move up 2.5kg and start again.

                                                                                            Yes it feel slow at first but I have seen great results now and all lifts are feeling strong and proper. Also, bar a back tweak while doing my garden, I haven’t pulled or strained anything for months and my body is feeling very strong and together.

                                                                                            My days of beasting myself are behind me and I’m trying to move to a smarter way of training now, not feeling in a rush to increase on everything, just finding the enjoyment of the lifts themselves. I am getting a great pump with some really modest weights and my physique and body composition has improved massively over 6 months.

                                                                                            Try and stick with it dude.

                                                                                            'You can throw in the towel or use it to wipe the sweat off your face and keep going'

                                                                                            'Well ain't this place a geographical oddity? Two weeks from everywhere.' Ulysses Everett McGill

                                                                                              Wicked Willie
                                                                                              Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (66)
                                                                                              Total Posts:16864

                                                                                              07-26-20 06:14 PM - Post#900716

                                                                                              Sigmund Klein used to say it very distinctly

                                                                                              "Train...don't strain!"

                                                                                              "I'm in good shape for the shape I'm in."

                                                                                              "Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
                                                                                              no man comes to the Father, but by me." John 14:6

                                                                                                Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (67)
                                                                                                Total Posts:4442

                                                                                                Re: 3x8 / 3x10 - Upper Body
                                                                                                07-27-20 01:37 AM - Post#900727

                                                                                                • Volumiza Said:
                                                                                                • Gunvald Said:

                                                                                                To have the discipline and follow this plan is going to be extremely hard for me, because ima hardhead who always rushed the progress by pushing always over the limit. This is a new territory for me but I am very willing to give it a shot and see what happens. Infact, I should give this "new way" of training at least a year...

                                                                                                Gunvald, I’ve been reading your log and I can only recommend giving this a try. I have been doing something similar since January / February and have seen really good results.

                                                                                                At first it seemed strange not being crippled with DOMs after each workout, like I wasn’t working hard enough but I’ve found great satisfaction in dropping the weights in almost everything and really focusing on form and the targeted muscle. My aim is to reach almost failure on rep 8 of the 3rd set and not move up any weight until I can hit the full 3 sets of 10. Then I’ll move up 2.5kg and start again.

                                                                                                Yes it feel slow at first but I have seen great results now and all lifts are feeling strong and proper. Also, bar a back tweak while doing my garden, I haven’t pulled or strained anything for months and my body is feeling very strong and together.

                                                                                                My days of beasting myself are behind me and I’m trying to move to a smarter way of training now, not feeling in a rush to increase on everything, just finding the enjoyment of the lifts themselves. I am getting a great pump with some really modest weights and my physique and body composition has improved massively over 6 months.

                                                                                                Try and stick with it dude.

                                                                                                Thanks, I'll do my best to stick with it. For years I've been thinking about exercising the way I am now but just never got it on. My wife started to exercise this way about 1 month ago and I just jumped on the wagon and got it on myself, kinda unplanned.

                                                                                                I also dropped the volume properly, but what I think matters by far most is the intensity. Eventually I'll be back to high volume and do 6x6 of 24 sets upper body or 30 sets full body but with different approach which will be LESS INTENSITY compared to before.

                                                                                                Yeah, I think my days of "beasting" myself are over too.

                                                                                                IronOnline = best

                                                                                                  Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (68)
                                                                                                  Total Posts:4442

                                                                                                  07-27-20 01:39 AM - Post#900728

                                                                                                  • Wicked Willie Said:

                                                                                                  Sigmund Klein used to say it very distinctly

                                                                                                  "Train...don't strain!"

                                                                                                  He was so right. Took me 10 years to experiment with this and come to same conclusion. I've coulda just listened to others, but nah, gotta do it my way and waste years of training Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (69)

                                                                                                  IronOnline = best

                                                                                                    Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (70)
                                                                                                    Total Posts:4442

                                                                                                    6x6 - Lower Body
                                                                                                    07-27-20 11:06 AM - Post#900740

                                                                                                    Lower Body: 12 sets ~ 15 min

                                                                                                    BW = 220 lbs

                                                                                                    6x6 - 210 lbs
                                                                                                    (60 sec)

                                                                                                    Pistol Squats
                                                                                                    6x6 - assisted
                                                                                                    (60 sec)

                                                                                                    _________________________ ______________

                                                                                                    Felt very powerful today so I dropped the RI from 90 to 60 sec for 6x6 deadlifts and just went for a 210 lbs blast! I gotta say I sure felt it! This is now a very good resistance for 6x6 deadlifts and I should stay with it for months. If I switch to 3x8 I can drop the RI to 40 sec but thats it. Gotta stay smart now!

                                                                                                    IronOnline = best

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                                                                                                      Author: Carmelo Roob

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                                                                                                      Author information

                                                                                                      Name: Carmelo Roob

                                                                                                      Birthday: 1995-01-09

                                                                                                      Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

                                                                                                      Phone: +6773780339780

                                                                                                      Job: Sales Executive

                                                                                                      Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

                                                                                                      Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.