Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (2024)

Display NamePost: Gunvalds log: Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training (Topic#20161)
Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (1)
Total Posts:4442

6x6 - Full Body
03-15-23 08:00 AM - Post#925079

Full Body: 30 sets in 33 minutes

BW = 220 lbs

(30 sec)

Dumbbell Row
6x6 - 60 lbs
(30 sec)

Military Press - full depth
6x6 - 70 lbs
(30 sec)

DB Curls
6x6 - 32 lbs
(50 sec)

6x6 - 110 lbs
(60 sec)

  • cardio = 30 minutes


Took 2 days of rest and felt very ready for todays wonderfulness! I'll keep on posting here as long as the forum is open. I also joined "Pinks" group that she created for us IronOnliners and I'm posting there too.

IronOnline = best

    Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (2)
    Total Posts:4442

    6x6 - Full Body
    03-17-23 06:55 AM - Post#925090

    Full Body: 30 sets ~ 33 mins

    BW= 220 lbs

    Weighted Pushups
    6x6 - 15 lbs
    (30 sec)

    Pendlay Row
    6x6 - 90 lbs
    (45 sec)

    Side Lateral Raise
    6x6 - 15 lbs
    (30 sec)

    Scoop Curls
    6x6 - 35 lbs
    (45 sec)

    Goblet Squats
    6x6 - 24 kg or 53 lbs
    (60 sec)

    • cardio = 32 min


    This will be my easier exercise session. Currently I'm running 2 different Full Body setups. One of them (dips, dbrows, shoulderpress, dbcurls and sldl) will be the harder session and the one that I did today will be medium to hard (more towards medium than hard). I will try to exercise one day and then rest one day, if extra rest is needed I'll take it. Since I am ona DIET I'll not go crazy with my training (shouldnt do that in anyway) and the goal is to leave the GYM relatively fresh (cant believe im saying this Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (3) ) with an occasional feeling of exhaustion on those days where I push a bit extra hard (those days I reckon will be pretty rare).

    I'm feeling eager to drop the calories and speed up my weightloss but I will stick to the plan which is 2500 calories in average per day. I'll weigh myself after 1 month and see how the progress is and then decide if I need to drop calories or not. Its absolutely NOT EASY to stick with the plan that you make for yourself! Emotions and eagerness take over fast when it comes to my training but I'm trying to pace myself since about summer of 2020. Almost 3 years in and its looking significantly better than then, but a lot work left though. So far so good, and I'm going into the right direction.... lol... we'll see how long that lasts...

    IronOnline = best

      Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (4)
      Total Posts:4442

      6x6 - Full Body
      03-20-23 06:47 AM - Post#925099

      Full Body: 30 sets in 34 minutes

      BW = 220 lbs

      (30 sec)

      Dumbbell Row
      6x6 - 60 lbs
      (30 sec)

      Military Press - full depth
      6x6 - 70 lbs
      (30 sec)

      DB Curls
      6x6 - 32 lbs
      (50 sec)

      S L D L
      6x6 - 110 lbs
      (60 sec)

      • cardio = 20 minutes


      Feeling a slight strength increase in all exercises but a pretty big boost in cardiovascular capacity. Currently, firing off 30 sets in 34 minutes is... not hard at all (cardiovascularly speaking). On the other hand, strength wise I am not yet ready to increase resistance (by decreasing resting times between sets) for any exercise except SLDL.. Actually the weight for SLDL is gonna be slightly increased too, maybe 120 lbs and 55 sec RI

      I feel extra fresh this time, prolly because of 1 extra day of rest but also less output used than usually. I'm trying to pace myself and so far this year... its actually working! I need to keep on doing this because its working really well, better than if you go too hard and take yourself out too much combined with too little rest between exercise sessions.

      IronOnline = best

        Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (5)
        Total Posts:4442

        6x6 - Upper Body
        03-22-23 06:07 AM - Post#925108

        Upper Body: 24 sets ~ 27 mins

        BW= 220 lbs

        Weighted Pushups
        6x6 - 15 lbs
        (30 sec)

        Pendlay Row
        6x6 - 92 lbs
        (45 sec)

        Gironda High Pulls
        6x6 - 50 lbs
        (30 sec)

        Scoop Curls
        6x6 - 30 lbs
        (30 sec)

        • cardio = not today... hamstring mini-tear


        Got some weird left hamstring mini tear after Pendlay Rows... I must have bent over too much for my own good and thus the mini injury... Correction for this will be me stretching every day for 2 sets of 60 seconds (each) of Jefferson Curls (bent over with weights).

        No Goblets or cardio done today because of the mini-injury. I learn from this and implement. Not fretting over it at all. Tomorrow is a rest day and then hopefully I will be ready for the next Full Body + cardio!

        Ima bit higher on calories than planned... the plan was 2500 per day in average... but I'm so far averaging 2650... Starting to correct that from today and will get myself down to 2500 avg. I'll do that by planning my meals first thing in the morning. Just like today, I wrote everything down that I will eat today and I'll land on 2400 calories and 180 gr protein in 3 meals. Tomorrow I'll eat 2000 calories and 2 meals. Also, I need to up my veggie intake a bit. Aiming for 5 lbs per week.

        IronOnline = best

          Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (6)
          Total Posts:4442

          05-03-23 05:49 AM - Post#925181

          Since I have a feeling that this place will be open during the summer I'll keep posting here as long as possible. It would be wonderful to have one last go here on IronOnline! A summerblast training or something like that Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (7)

          Update for the last 6 weeks...

          Exercised maybe 2 to 3 times per week but not Full Body workouts... I was too busy and also not mentally ready to get it on with Full Body and my planned weightcut along with cardio. What I did was very short... blitz sessions! For example... I usually picked 2 exercises (sometimes even 1) and did 6x6 Gironda style. Resting times 20 to 30 sec btw sets and straight sets on everything. I could for example go for DIPS 6x6 and be done in 4 minutes and 20 seconds. Or if I picked bent over rows and shoulder presses I could execute them 12 sets in 10 minutes! Short, intense and very effective. Not as satisfying as a Full Body 30 sets blast of 6x6 like I did today, but good enough when your option is either no exercise or exercise in short bursts like 6x6 Gironda style.

          I love that I didnt take a break for the last 6 weeks but instead I kept in shape and even increased a bit in strength and endurance. Wasnt easy to be patient and wait till I was done with my demanding tasks, but I'm back since 2 days ago. So, on 1 May I started my weightcut and Full Body 6x6 Gironda styled workouts. When I say Gironda styled I dont mean all the way, im far from a pure Girondist, that would be Daryl Conant! But I am using mostly (by far) Gioronda 6x6 styled routine done in straight sets, usually 20 to 45 sec rest between sets and the form is seriously good (easily top 1% in any GYM). I like cumulative fatigue and density style of training along with serious cardio effect that you get if you do upper / lower split or especially a FULL BODY blast! I usually execute 30 sets Full Body of 6x6 in about 28 to 32 minutes and average heartrate (always have a Polar HR10 chest heartrate strap that has 99.5% accuracy) is sometimes 150+ like 2 days ago or 132 BPM like today. Depends what kinda session im doing. Talk about getting some serious bang for your buck! Not only hypertrophy and endurance but a very important cardio effect! Love it!!!! I'm forever grateful to IronOnline and everyone who forged me into the exercise person that I am today.

          I love this place!

          IronOnline = best

            Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (8)
            Total Posts:4442

            1 MAY - 6x6 - Full Body
            05-03-23 06:12 AM - Post#925182

            Full Body: 30 sets in 28 minutes

            BW = 222 lbs

            DIPS - deeep
            (30 sec)

            Machine Row
            6x6 - 155 lbs
            (30 sec)

            Military Press - full depth
            6x6 - 80 lbs
            (30 sec)

            DB Curls
            6x6 - 25 lbs
            (20 sec)

            Trapbar Deadlifts
            6x6 - 180 lbs
            (50 sec)

            • cardio = 1 hour and 20 minutes


            Ahhhhhh! This is my comeback session that I did on 1 May! It was one of the best exercise sessions that I've ever experienced! I was... or... felt like a true superman! It was insane! I first started witha Full Body insane blast of 6x6 and 30 sets done in 28 minutes! Average pulse 152 BPM with a peak pulse of 173! Thatsa proper vigorous cardio all coming from weightlifting! I love it Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (9) However... I didnt exert myself to the maximum! I did leave a rep or two even three on the last set of most exercises but the pace was insane. Also, I never go crazy heavy or exert myself at all on Trapbar deadlifts! I prolly coulda done 240 lbs ina 6x6 style and 50 sec rest but went for 180 only! Dont wanna burn myself out. At least not yet, haha!!! If it happens that I am burned ill take 5 days off and resume. Maybe I'll do Vince Girondas "Train 21 rest 7 system". I'll see, it depends if I get too crazy with my exercise then for sure a proper deload / rest is needed.

            After that blasting Full Body (done on empty stomach, I always exercise in the morning with no food in my system) I went for 1 hour and 20 minutes of cardio and some core training. Average HR was 139 BPM! Peak HR was 166 BPM! This was one extremely satisfying session and I wish I could always feel fresh like this without worrying about overtraining or injuries. Man, I would exercise like a madman always! The satisfaction, ahhh!!

            IronOnline = best

              Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (10)
              Total Posts:4442

              6x6 - Full Body
              05-03-23 06:20 AM - Post#925183

              Full Body: 30 sets in 32 minutes

              This one was done today. The effects of Mondays session are felt and thus I went a bit easier and shorter today. A good Full Body session followed by 30 minutes of medium intense cardio. Average HR for the Full Body was 132 BPM and for cardio 128 BPM. Next one is on Friday and I am planning a serious blast session but I shouldnt because I'll get heavily wornout in less than 2 weeks lol!!! So, I need to pace myself, I am doing a proper weightcut and should be extra careful with intensity.... but then again its kinda summer time vibes and man... lol.. I just wanna blast! Gotta... pace... myself...

              Machine Chest Incline-Press
              6x6 - 175 lbs
              (30 sec)

              Machine Plate Rows
              6x6 - 175 lbs
              (30 sec)

              Machine Shoulder Side Laterals
              6x6 - 66 lbs
              (30 sec)

              Cable Barbell Curls
              6x6 - 55 lbs
              (30 sec)

              Goblet Squats - way too easy, going for 24 kg next, time to get serious with them Goblets!
              6x6 - 18 kg or 40 lbs
              (60 sec)


              • 30 min cardio

              IronOnline = best

                Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (11)
                Total Posts:4442

                6x6 - Full Body
                05-05-23 07:01 AM - Post#925186

                Full Body: 30 sets ~ 33 mins

                BW= 222 lbs

                Weighted Pushups
                6x6 - 22 lbs
                (45 sec)

                DB Row
                6x6 - 55 lbs
                (45 sec)

                Gironda High Pulls
                6x6 - 55 lbs
                (45 sec)

                Scoop Curls
                6x6 - 30 lbs
                (45 sec)

                S L D L
                6x6 - 105 lbs
                (45 sec)

                • cardio = 1 hour and 12 minutes


                Total drain! I dont mean that I pushed to failure or close to it (far from) but the overall session took 33 minutes of Full Body and 1 hour and 12 minutes of low intense cardio! Along with a proper calorie deficit and no food since 22 hours ago I am playing with fire Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (12) I like it!

                Lets see how I feel on Sunday when its time for the next exercise session.

                IronOnline = best

                  Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (13)
                  Total Posts:5576

                  Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (14) Gunvalds log: Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training
                  05-07-23 10:14 AM - Post#925190

                  Why just during the summer?

                  Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

                  Edited by pink.pixie on 05-07-23 10:15 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.

                    Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (15)
                    Total Posts:4442

                    forever then!
                    05-10-23 12:31 PM - Post#925193

                    • pink.pixie Said:

                    Why just during the summer?

                    Lets make it forever! Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (16)

                    IronOnline = best

                      Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (17)
                      Total Posts:4442

                      7 MAY - Full Body 6x6
                      05-10-23 12:35 PM - Post#925194

                      Full Body: 30 sets in 31 minutes

                      This one was done on May 7th. This was my deload or recovery session. I can feel that my strength has though increased on dips and rows... Soon its time to lower the RI from 30 to maybe 25 sec...Quite a good amount of reps in the tank on every exercise. Kinda feeling good to do sessions like this one where I take it a bit easier and kinda think I'm deloading or whatever the hell I'm doing.. Cant believe I am doing such sessions! But they are good for me, gotta keep that balance... Lets see how long this lasts...

                      DIPS - deeep
                      (30 sec)

                      Bentover Dumbbell Rows
                      6x6 - 55 lbs
                      (30 sec)

                      Gironda Shoulder Highpull
                      6x6 - 33 lbs
                      (30 sec)

                      Drag Curls
                      6x6 - 40 lbs
                      (30 sec)

                      S L D L
                      6x6 - 105 lbs
                      (60 sec)

                      • cardio = 22 minutes

                      IronOnline = best

                        Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (18)
                        Total Posts:4442

                        YESTERDAY - Full Body 6x6
                        05-10-23 12:43 PM - Post#925195

                        Full Body: 30 sets in 46 minutes

                        This was done yesterday. I took it easier because I felt like I never woke up! I was in zombie mode. I simply increased rest between sets from 30 sec to 1 minute and rested as long as needed btw exercises. That made sucha difference in level of effort. Also resulted in a laughably slow 30 sets done in 46 minutes! Haaaaaaa! This one was a deload session and was done yesterday in the very early morning. After a while my body woke up a bit and then I went for 35 minutes cardio. All in all 1 hour and 20 minutes of exercise and the cool thing is I felt very very fresh for the rest of the day. Today I feel great and tomorrow I am hoping for a blast! Had 3 sessions in a row where I am deloading so its time for some old school pushing! Lets see what happens!

                        Machine Chest Incline-Press
                        6x6 - 175 lbs
                        (60 sec)

                        Machine Plate Rows
                        6x6 - 175 lbs
                        (60 sec)

                        Machine Shoulder Side Laterals
                        6x6 - 66 lbs
                        (60 sec)

                        Cable Barbell Curls
                        6x6 - 55 lbs
                        (60 sec)

                        Goblet Squats
                        6x6 - 20 kg or 44 lbs
                        (90 sec)


                        • 35 min cardio

                        IronOnline = best

                          Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (19)
                          Total Posts:4442

                          6x6 - Full Body
                          05-12-23 07:28 AM - Post#925201

                          Full Body: 30 sets ~ 31 mins

                          BW= 222 lbs

                          Weighted Pushups
                          6x6 - 22 lbs
                          (30 sec)

                          DB Row
                          6x6 - 55 lbs
                          (45 sec)

                          Gironda High Pulls
                          6x6 - 45 lbs
                          (30 sec)

                          Scoop Curls
                          6x6 - 30 lbs
                          (30 sec)

                          Goblet Squats
                          6x6 - 20 kg or 44 lbs
                          (50 sec)

                          • cardio = 15 minutes


                          Took 1 extra day of rest (2 total) because I feel I need it. Sucks that recovery is already suffering. I guess if I wanna go wild this summer I need to have much longer rest between Full Body sessions and cardio than 1 day. Most likely 2 to 4 days rest btw sessions depending on how hard I hit it. On the other hand I am aiming to drop weight pretty fast and higher frequency of exercise in my opinion is then better, but in that case I also need to lower the intensity. After only 12 days of doing Full Body along with a lot of cardio every other day I see that this wont work out, not with this intensity level. Not sure what I will keep on doing. Gotta think over it. I'll take this weekend and see what I come up with. I wish my recovery was unlimited because I would exercise like an insane madman in a much higher volume, intensity and frequency, ahhh that would be amazing!!!

                          IronOnline = best

                            Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (20)
                            Total Posts:24932

                            Re: 6x6 - Full Body
                            05-12-23 09:09 AM - Post#925202

                            Glad you're listening to your body, big G. I am also doing a pretty intense full body routine three times a week. Every fourth week, I deload; specifically, half the sets and half the reps with half the weight. Like you, I also do a lot of cardio, but I spread it out over six days and keep the weekly total at 3.5 to 4.5 hours. So, just 30 to 45 minutes a session. Works pretty well.

                            Be strong. Be in shape. Be a man among men, regardless of your age or circ*mstances.

                              Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (21)
                              Total Posts:4442

                              maybe 50%
                              05-15-23 08:35 AM - Post#925209

                              • AAnnunz Said:

                              Glad you're listening to your body, big G. I am also doing a pretty intense full body routine three times a week. Every fourth week, I deload; specifically, half the sets and half the reps with half the weight. Like you, I also do a lot of cardio, but I spread it out over six days and keep the weekly total at 3.5 to 4.5 hours. So, just 30 to 45 minutes a session. Works pretty well.

                              Man, its so demanding and annoying to listen to ones body. My mind and my body really want 2 different things. However... seems like (finally after 15 years) I am slowly accepting and adjusting and on my way to do the right thing. I see there is no other way for a natural bodybuilder.

                              My Full Bodys are HIGH VOLUME but if you do them Gironda fast pace style then your CNS gets much less affected. As Gironda said... work fast and your chances of running out of nervous energy are much less. Also, very important is that I take it pretty easy with SQUATS, SLDL and TRAPBARDEADS or I would get sacked much much faster than this/so far. For example, if I pushed Trapbardeadlifts or even Gsquats as hard as other exercises I'd need at least 2 extra days of rest between every session. Luckily my legs and calves are my best musclegroups and I dont need to go crazy with them. Maybe just for fun I'll start doing this for a while, was many years I went hard on squats or deadlifts.

                              I'm ona diet (weightloss) so I am doing a lot of extra cardio. But Gironda styled Full Body with 6x6 style is proper cardio in itself. Vigorous cardio level (+70% avg BPM) if you do it right. Once I am off this weightloss I will just do short 10-20 minutes cardio sessions after every weightlifting session, maybe some running, biking etc.

                              Deload... is something I never even respected or gave much thought... but slowly I am accepting that this is a must if you are a natural... your way is interesting to do a deload! This means I would do (for a deload) 3x3 with half the weight for a week every 4 weeks or so... thats insanely easy! Which I guess is the point.... but I am wondering... why si it better to have a deload week and lift weights when one could rest 5 days or a week and then come back even fresher? There prolly is something beneficial with deloading with such super low intensity compared to full resting but unfortunately I dont know or I forgot what it is/was. Man, I should know these things, I got like 5-6 Dan John books!

                              IronOnline = best

                                Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (22)
                                Total Posts:4442

                                Full Body 6x6
                                05-15-23 08:43 AM - Post#925210

                                Full Body: 30 sets in 29 minutes

                                3 days of rest and full carb refill made me feel great when I was exercising today. DIPS are now too easy and I need to ramp this up somehow, I'm prolly gonna drop the rest for both DIPS and bent over rows down to 20 sec.

                                Decision about recovery is taken during this weekend. I will not lower the intensity so I can exercise every other day. What I will do is go harder (not too hard) and instead take an extra rest day or two when needed! Much more satisfying! Ima work myself up now to a pretty good exhaustion mode and then take 3-4 days rest. Lets goooooo!

                                DIPS - deeep
                                (30 sec)

                                Bentover Dumbbell Rows
                                6x6 - 55 lbs
                                (30 sec)

                                Gironda Shoulder Highpull
                                6x6 - 40 lbs
                                (30 sec)

                                Drag Curls
                                6x6 - 40 lbs
                                (30 sec)

                                Goblet Squats
                                6x6 - 24 kg or 53 lbs
                                (60 sec)

                                • cardio = 50 minutes

                                IronOnline = best

                                  Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (23)
                                  Total Posts:4442

                                  Full Body 3x8
                                  05-18-23 01:58 PM - Post#925216

                                  Full Body: 30 sets in 43 minutes

                                  Properly rested is what I feel today so I went for a lot of volume but didnt push hard, feels like a medium day. Some exercise were really easy, like dips, plate rows, lunges and trapbardeadlifts... and some were a bit harder, all in all no redlining today which made me feel like I can go foreverr. Finished it off with a 1 hour and 45 minutes of cardio Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (24)

                                  How am I gonna feel in 2 days when its time for the next exercise session... should be fine because medium pushing with weights is easy for me because I'm used to maximum or close to maximum output.

                                  DIPS - deeep
                                  (45 sec)

                                  Machine Chest Incline-Press
                                  3x8 - 175 lbs
                                  (45 sec)

                                  Machine Plate Rows
                                  3x8 - 175 lbs
                                  (45 sec)

                                  Lat Pulldowns
                                  3x8 - 132 lbs
                                  (45 sec)

                                  Machine Shoulder Arnold Press
                                  3x8 - 66 lbs
                                  (45 sec)

                                  Machine Shoulder Side Laterals
                                  3x8 - 66 lbs
                                  (45 sec)

                                  Cable Barbell Curls
                                  3x8 - 55 lbs
                                  (45 sec)

                                  Overhead Biceps Curl
                                  3x8 - 55 lbs
                                  (45 sec)

                                  TrapBar Deadlifts
                                  3x8 - 180 lbs
                                  (45 sec)

                                  Goblet Squats
                                  3x8 - 24 kg or 53 lbs
                                  (45 sec)

                                  _________________________ ____

                                  • cardio = 1 hour 45 minutes

                                  IronOnline = best

                                    Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (25)
                                    Total Posts:4442

                                    DELOAD - Full Body
                                    05-20-23 01:53 PM - Post#925218

                                    Full Body: 25 sets in 42 minutes

                                    This was a DELOAD session where I came up something new. Decided to go light to medium intensity and 5 sets for each exercise. Reprange was between 5 and 15 and resting times between sets 30 to 60 seconds. Finished off with 24 minutes of cardio. Felt fresh and really good. Next session I wanna go pretty hard. I'll see how I feel. Later today I'm stretching for about 25 minutes.

                                    Fulcrum Gironda Pushups
                                    5 sets

                                    T-Bar Rows
                                    5 sets

                                    Kettlebell Shoulderpress
                                    5 sets

                                    Kettlebell one-arm Curls
                                    5 sets

                                    Weighted Lunges
                                    5 sets

                                    IronOnline = best

                                      Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (26)
                                      Total Posts:4442

                                      6x6 - Full Body
                                      05-23-23 07:36 AM - Post#925221

                                      Full Body: 24 sets ~ 36 mins

                                      Started with DB shoulderpresses and went for a long resting time which was 1 minute btw sets. Was curious if I can manage 45lbs dummbell in each hand with full depth and 6x6 style. No problems making them all reps. If I go 8x8 here with 20 sec rest I'd be forced to drop the weights to 25 lbs lol! 8x8 is mighty and very demanding. On paper it doesnt seem like much difference, in reality though, its a big difference compared to 6x6. If you wanna run 8x8 be sure to not REDLINE (dont push too hard) or it will sack you very fast, especially if you do upper body 4 exercises (total 32 sets)... and dont ever think about doing FULL BODY 8x8... not if you are natural Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (27)

                                      Didnt go for biceps today because I was gonna go a bit wild on Trapbardeadlifts. Resting 1 minute btw sets is so long and makes me recover so much compared to 20-30 sec, insane difference... and thus you can use quite much more weight. Warmed up with 4 sets and then finished off with 2 sets of 280 lbs without much problems except my core was trembling a bit, my back was good but the abdominal muscles were a bit shaky, grip strength was no problems at all.

                                      Finished it off with 40 minutes of cardio and then 3 sets of barhangs, best set 32 seconds, far from maxing out.

                                      Dumbell Shoulder Press - full depth
                                      6x6 - 45's
                                      (1 min)

                                      Machine Plate Rows
                                      6x6 - 175 lbs
                                      (45 sec)

                                      Machine Chest Incline-Press
                                      6x6 - 160 lbs
                                      (60 sec)

                                      TrapBar Deadlifts
                                      6x6 - 80lbs-160lbs-215lbs-245lb s-280lbs-280lbs
                                      (60 sec)

                                      _________________________ ________

                                      • cardio = 40 minutes
                                      • bar hangs 3 sets

                                      IronOnline = best

                                        Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (28)
                                        Total Posts:4442

                                        6x6 - Upper Body
                                        05-25-23 07:44 AM - Post#925222

                                        Upper Body: 24 sets ~ 32 min

                                        Very nice upper body session. Did quite a lot of burns on every exercise. I had more power than expected. And at the end I did the bike ECG stresstest. Started with 40 watt and increased wattage by 20 for every minute. Reached 262 watts after 11 minutes and a pulse of 180 BPM. Level of effort for the bike test was 8.5 of 10... Also insane pump in my legs, its like I did heavy 8x8 squats with short RI! Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (29) Ima do this test again but I'll do it first thing when I come to the gym, so I'm fresh and can have better output. Gotta beat my last years record.

                                        (20 sec)

                                        Lat Pulldowns
                                        6x6 - 132 lbs
                                        (45 sec)

                                        Dumbell Shoulder Press - full depth
                                        6x6 - 35's
                                        (30 sec)

                                        DB Curls
                                        6x6 - 35 lbs
                                        (45 sec)


                                        • cardio: 11 minutes GYM bike emulating ECG stresstest - 262 watt and 180 BPM reached at the end

                                        IronOnline = best

                                          Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (30)
                                          Total Posts:4442

                                          6x6 - Upper Body
                                          05-27-23 07:58 AM - Post#925223

                                          Upper Body: 36 sets in 26 minutes

                                          Blitz style today! Rest between sets 20 sec and almost nothing between exercises (just the setup). Them 36 sets took only 26 minutes and I worked really fast. The faster you work, the less weight used, less reps per set used (6x6 perfect for this), the less time your session takes and much less of CNS used. Your chances to overtrain are much less. I coulda done 12 sets of upper body with looooong 2 minutes rest between sets, high reps, heavy weight and get totally slammed with a need of 3-4 days of rest to feel recovered. Sometimes I do that, but for now im into Gironda blitz style! I'm sitting here feeling fresh. Tomorrow I'll go for a lower body 6x6 and total of 24 sets. Oh yeah!!!

                                          DIPS - deeep
                                          (20 sec)

                                          (20 sec)

                                          Lat Pulldown
                                          6x6 - 120 lbs
                                          (20 sec)

                                          Machine Row
                                          6x6 - 155 lbs
                                          (20 sec)

                                          Machine Shoulderpress
                                          (20 sec)

                                          Machine Curls
                                          (20 sec)

                                          • cardio = 30 minutes - 128 BPM avg

                                          IronOnline = best

                                            Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (31)
                                            Total Posts:4442

                                            05-28-23 02:17 PM - Post#925226

                                            no lower body today, had to rest

                                            had bad sleep and couldnt fall asleep till + 2AM!

                                            that instantly affected me next day and I just didnt feel for exercise, I might as well rest and go for it tomorrow

                                            IronOnline = best

                                              Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (32)
                                              Total Posts:4442

                                              6x6 - Full Body
                                              06-01-23 08:12 AM - Post#925230

                                              Full Body: 24 sets ~ 26 mins

                                              Didnt do direct biceps work because of some weird slight pain at the end of the bicep tendon (towards elbow). Also, took it easy with TrapbarDeadlifts, went for 215 lbs for 6x6 and 60 sec rest which was pleeeeenty of rest for such low weight and 6x6. Finished the session with 30 minutes of cardio. Bodyweight = 220 lbs! My diet is not going that well, haha, too much cheating. But from today I will eat in average 2300 calories and carbcycle now and then and try to lose some weight.

                                              DIPS - deeep
                                              (20 sec)

                                              Machine Plate Rows
                                              6x6 - 175 lbs
                                              (40 sec)

                                              Machine Shoulder Arnold Press
                                              6x6 - 55 lbs
                                              (30 sec)

                                              TrapBar Deadlifts
                                              6x6 - 215lbs
                                              (60 sec)

                                              • Cardio = 30 min

                                              IronOnline = best

                                                Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (33)
                                                Total Posts:4442

                                                low intense - long duration
                                                06-03-23 05:53 AM - Post#925233

                                                Today I didnt feel for pushing hard at all, so I went for low to medium intense work that lasted for total of 2 hours. Average HR was 125 BPM. Tons of calories burned but I dont feel wasted. Very interesting how much longer you can last in the GYM (even if you feel lazy and didnt sleep more than 5 hours) if you dont push hard and if you rest as long as 1 to 2 minutes between sets... and resting 2 minutes between sets for me is an eternity, haha, I get soooo recovered!!! Its gonna be interesting to find out how well I am recovered on Monday when its time for another FULL BODY, but a blitz 6x6 Gironda style! I may put some serious grunt into it if I feel like a superman... Anyway, what I did today was..

                                                Full Body with 1-2 minute rest btw sets

                                                Bentover Rows - 4 sets x 100 lbs

                                                Latpulldowns - 4 sets x 120 lbs

                                                Shoulders (Machine) - 4 sets x 60 lbs

                                                Chestpress (Machine) - 4 sets x 132 lbs

                                                Roman Chair Squat - 4 sets x bodyweight

                                                Legpress (reverse) - 4 sets x 66 lbs

                                                • cardio = 1 hour

                                                IronOnline = best

                                                  Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (34)
                                                  Total Posts:4442

                                                  Chest and Back 6x6
                                                  06-05-23 07:46 AM - Post#925235

                                                  Chest and Back: 24 sets ~ 24 minutes

                                                  A quick but not too crazy 24 sets 6x6 session. Very enjoyable! Tomorrow I will go for shoulders and biceps, cant wait!

                                                  Machine Chest Incline-Press
                                                  6x6 - 175 lbs
                                                  (30 sec)

                                                  (30 sec)

                                                  Machine Plate Rows
                                                  6x6 - 175 lbs
                                                  (40 sec)

                                                  Lat Pulldown
                                                  6x6 - 120 lbs
                                                  (30 sec)

                                                  • cardio 10 minutes

                                                  IronOnline = best

                                                    Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (35)
                                                    Total Posts:4442

                                                    6x6 - Shoulders / Biceps
                                                    06-06-23 05:17 AM - Post#925238

                                                    Shoulders and Biceps: 24 sets ~ 21 min

                                                    A wonderful blitz 24 sets shoulders and biceps session! I felt though that to reach a perfection here (feeling) I needed to do 8x8 on shoulder presses! Man, ill try that next time! Gonna get some serious pump and a feeling that I worked out my shoulders properly! Oh yeah!

                                                    I feel very fresh because the very quick work along with lighter weights just takes so much LESS out of you compared to "slow work" and heavier weights along with higher reps! I will do lower body tomorrow and if I feel like I felt today (very energetic) then I will try to do 8x8 - 200 lbs TrapbarDeadlifts with tight resting times btw sets (RI) along with 6x6 Squats. After that I'll have 1 or even 2 days of rest.

                                                    Diet so far is 2300 calories in average and 2 to 4 meals daily, so far so gooood!

                                                    DB Shoulder Press - full depth
                                                    6x6 - 40's
                                                    (30 sec)

                                                    Gironda High Pulls
                                                    6x6 - 45 lbs
                                                    (30 sec)

                                                    Dumbbell Curls
                                                    6x6 - 25 lbs
                                                    (20 sec)

                                                    Cable Curls
                                                    6x6 - 55 lbs
                                                    (20 sec)

                                                    cardio = 30 minutes

                                                    IronOnline = best

                                                      Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (36)
                                                      Total Posts:4442

                                                      6x6 - Full Body
                                                      06-07-23 05:55 AM - Post#925240

                                                      Full Body: 30 sets ~ 36 mins

                                                      Superbly energetic and ina serious flow today... and thus lol.. I went for it and did a Full Body although I actually shoulda either do lower body only or take a rest day today. So... the session went perfect and I feel boost in power in all exercises (especially GobletSquats) compared to a few weeks ago. Also, my cardiovascular capacity has increased a lot since 1 May. Feels great! All I need to do now and for the rest of my life is to be CONSISTENT! For 15 years I always, always take long layoffs and always lose everything I built up. Maaaaan, I would be a monster by now if i only, ONLY didnt have a mindset of ALL OR NOTHING! I always went too hard and always crashed! If I just was exercising smartly (just leave some in the tank and respect recovery days) I would be a superman now. I am simply leaving too much in the GYM! I'll never take layoffs again, a week or two when on vacation or to deload / recover, yes I'll do that! And I will not empty the tank in the gym too much, and if I do, then that will happen rarely and not almost every session (like I tried to do all these years up to summer 2020). Since summer 2020 I eased off a bit and today I'm in much better place. Got a bit of the road left though, but I'll get there.

                                                      Weighted Pushups
                                                      6x6 - 25 lbs
                                                      (40 sec)

                                                      DB Row
                                                      6x6 - 57 lbs
                                                      (30 sec)

                                                      DB Shoulderpress
                                                      6x6 - 40 lbs
                                                      (30 sec)

                                                      DB Curls
                                                      6x6 - 25 lbs
                                                      (30 sec)

                                                      Goblet Squats
                                                      6x6 - 26 kg or 57 lbs
                                                      (60 sec)


                                                      • cardio 45 minutes - 122 bpm avg

                                                      IronOnline = best

                                                        Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (37)
                                                        Total Posts:4442

                                                        Full Body - higher reps
                                                        06-10-23 01:59 PM - Post#925246

                                                        Full Body: 30 sets done in 62 minutes

                                                        Today I felt for very high volume, higher reps and medium intensity. Seriously enjoyable session and especially at the end where I felt so powerful with doing Trapbardeadlifts. Resting time btw sets about 1 minute. Finished it off with 1 hour of cardio.

                                                        DIPS - 3x12

                                                        InclinePress - 3x10

                                                        Latpulldowns - 3x12

                                                        One Arm Machine Rows - 3x10

                                                        Gironda Shoulder High Pulls - 3x10

                                                        Cable Side Laterals - 3x8

                                                        DB Curls - 6x12

                                                        Lunges - 3x10

                                                        TrapBar Deadlifts - 3x12


                                                        cardio 1 hour * 124 bpm avg

                                                        IronOnline = best

                                                          The Judge
                                                          Mostly Vince Gironda inspired training - (38)
                                                          Total Posts:16490

                                                          06-14-23 02:16 PM - Post#925251

                                                          Are your dips done for chest (Gironda style)? The reason I am asking is that I don't see any direct tricep work. Before my shoulder surgery, I loved doing Gironda chest dips for pecs.

                                                          Judge John

                                                          "You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves." - Abraham Lincoln

                                                          "I live, I lift, I ache, I am." - Dave Draper

                                                          "Moderation assures mediocrity -- nice, safe. Mediocrity is for the mediocre -- simple, okay. The intense rule; the mediocre follow." - Dave Draper

                                                          Every day innocent plants are killed by vegetarians. Help stop the slaughter. EAT MEAT!

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                                                            Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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                                                            Views: 5651

                                                            Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

                                                            Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

                                                            Author information

                                                            Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

                                                            Birthday: 1992-02-16

                                                            Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

                                                            Phone: +67618977178100

                                                            Job: Manufacturing Director

                                                            Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

                                                            Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.