Gundam Versus Reviews (2024)

Can we please get a good Gundam game in the US? I know Japan is getting good ones. Its such a disappointment to have to write this, but thats how infuriated this game will make you after playing it.So I will try to keep it short and sweet so I will try not to go over things other reviews nailed on a lot.First off I am surprised not as many people are criticizing the game for not having an English dub. We finally get a Gundam game in the states and they cant even put the language we speak in it. What makes this worse is that the game doesnt even have an option for subtitles. Sure you navigate the menus, but im talking about in game.The graphics and sound are decent probably should have rated it slightly higher just based off of that, but thats how you feel after playing this game, at least I am giving it a 1 and not a 0. I am kind of surprised by some of the tracks they picked for in game, its not that they are bad, I just feel there are better ones from the respective shows they hail from.The choice of mobile suits is quite odd too. They tried to cram way too many mass production/fodder types and not enough of the Gundams and other high end machines. Which compared to other Gundam VS games (in Japan) this game has almost nothing. Then a worse slap in the face is how expensive the DLC units are. I am not even sure the DLC is DLC, because when I first got the game they already had slots in the roster for these "DLC" units, so yea nice greed. O and if you don't have Playstation Plus the game will constantly harass you to get it, and if you don't have it not only does the multiplayer not work, but some of the functionality in the single player "Ultimate Battle" modes doesnt work either.Now for content there really isnt that much. Theres multiplayer, and 2 different single player modes and thats it. Theres no customization or anything like that in this game either. Now in these modes there is really only 1 difficulty you will use and I will elaborate more on this in a bit. Basically though, easy I doubt you will even bother with, medium you might get used to the game on, then after that its all hard mode.So now to the reason this game will make you hate life or break your equipment. So like I mentioned most people will quickly graduate to the hard modes. Now the hard modes are ok for the first bunch of fights, but when you start getting to the end of the hard modes, the game stops working correctly. You will see enemies running right into your fire not taking damage, then proceed to do an untold amount of damage on you. What makes this really bad is that there is a cap to how much damage it will let you put on the AI or computer at once, but they do not have that cap when attacking you. What makes this worse, is for example in "Ultimate Battle" it takes probably 30+ minutes to make it to the last waves of hard. Then you get to especially the last round, 50, and its like playing I win with a 4 year old. I will spare you every little detail, but basically the game decides when you die and if you can damage the computer, it has little to do with skill and player input. The computer will make enemies faster(temporarily just so they can avoid you and then combo you), negate your attacks, give enemies infinite boost and ammo while allowing them to do somethings that by nature of the game shouldnt happen just to name a few of the general problems. I have actually beaten it, so its not like this is coming from an inexperienced player, I have put hours into this game and really want to like it but nobody in their right mind can. So after the game decides to make you lose, you have to start all over again, and you just wasted 30-60 minutes of your time.


PlayStation 4

Gundam Versus Reviews (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.