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Flip Lands Ranked

  • #1 Sep 17, 2017



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    • Messiah of Silence

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    First of all, I just want to say that I think it was a huge mistake to print Field of Ruin so soon.
    I believe it is going to push all but a couple of the flip lands out of Standard, and generally crash their value.

    That said, here is how I would rank/rate them:

    10- Treasure Map / Treasure Cove
    The over-reliance on treasures really kills this one. It also has the logest activation sequence of all ten.
    It really should have produced one mana of any color, given the time and mana required to flip it.
    Even so, I could see some (R and/or W) EDH decks running it to ramp and draw.

    9- Primal Amulet / Primal Wellspring
    The land on this is ridiculously powerful. Almost any Standard deck would love that land...
    If it didn't have the most expensive cost of all of them to flip
    (it will cost at least 8 mana to cast this and four spells to charge it).
    You can also rest assured that even trying to run this will bring land hate out of the sideboard.
    As much as I love this one, I have to rate it very poorly.

    8- Arguel's Blood Fast / Temple of Aclazotz
    This may be the hardest one for me to evaluate.
    I love Diamond Valley, and the front is close enough to Greed that this could see play.
    However, the flip condition is extremely harsh (especially in EDH), and takes at least one turn to achieve.

    7- Vance's Blasting Cannons / Spitfire Bastion
    This is a very similar situation to Primal Amulet, IMO-
    both sides are very good, but the flip condition is rather rough,
    and it's very likely to lure out Field of Ruin.
    I feel a lot better about this one for EDH,
    where it will be easy to flip and where Lightning Bolt is a lot more playable when it's on a repeatable land.

    6- Conqueror's Galleon / Conqueror's Foothold
    The front side of this is pretty terrible, but it can be flipped easily if you have enough creature power.
    The back side is probably too mana-hungry for most Standard decks,
    but I can see this becoming a staple in (R/W) EDH decks.

    5- Thaumatic Compass / Spires of Orazca
    On the plus side, this costs 2 and is one of the few that can flip the turn you play it
    (if played later in the game, anyway).
    However, the seven lands restriction and effect on the flipped land is going to largely limit this to control decks in Standard.
    Even so, I suspect there are many EDH decks that might even replace Maze of Ith with this,
    since it is so easy to flip and it taps for mana.

    4- Growing Rites of Itlimoc / Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun
    Yes, of course a strictly better Gaea's Cradle is great.
    However, I feel like people are ignoring how bad the front of this card is;
    It's an arguably worse Oath of Nissa for 2 more.
    The flip condition is also steep for most decks,
    and even though you can flip this the turn it drops,
    it probably won't be useful until the next turn.
    Finally, you can be certain to see Field of Ruin if your opponent expects this card.
    Not bad, but not worth the presale price.

    3- Search for Azcanta / Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin
    This seems a bit underwhelming at first.
    Then the very low casting cost and easy flip condition make a very strong argument in its favor.
    Much like Thaumatic Compass, this will be an EDH Darling,
    but limited to Control in Standard, if such a deck exists.
    And I could be wrong about this, but I feel like this card is less likely to draw land hate out of the sideboard.

    2- Dowsing Dagger / Lost Vale
    This is a tricky one, and it's very close to being #1.
    It's an obvious EDH hit since you can probably attack someone unimpeded and flip this easily,
    and it gives (very potent) ramping to colors that don't usually get it.
    I feel like it has more Standard viability than a lot of the above cards,
    but this *will* bring out any land and/or artifact hate your opponents can muster.

    1- Legion's Landing / Adanto, the First Fort
    I will be the first to admit that neither side of this card is particularly exciting.
    However, it has numerous advantages:
    it costs 1 mana, it flips easily, and both sides are valuable without being scary enough to warrant extra LD.
    TBH, I feel like this has better chances of seeing Modern play than Growing Rites of Itlimoc,
    which has a CMC that's very inflated by comparison.
    This won't be anywhere near as big as some of the others in EDH,
    but it will definitely see some play there.

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    Reprint Stasis!
    Control needs more love.
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    WUBRGSliver OverlordGRBUW
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  • #2 Sep 17, 2017


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    • Resident Planeswalker

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    Whats wrong witch crashing their value? If it will make them cheaper im up for it

  • #3 Sep 17, 2017



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    • I believe I can fly!

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    Going to agree on Legion's Landing being just plain good. I liked that one more than the rest of the bunch since it has the same flip condition that Kytheon, hero of akros had.

    1. (Ravnica Allegiance): You can't keep a good esper control deck down... Or Wilderness Reclamation... or Gates...
    2. (War of the Spark): Guys, I know what we need! We need a cycle of really idiotic flavor text victory cards! Jace's Triumph...
    3. (War of the Spark): Lets make the format with control have even more control!

  • #4 Sep 17, 2017



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    • Archmage Overlord

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    Conqueror's Galleon can go in Doran, the Siege Tower EDH decks. Any deck running Assault Formation play.

    Though the Conqueror's Foothold looting effect is useful for the stuff from the previous block.

  • #5 Sep 17, 2017



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    • Everything is I-O-K

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    Here's how I rank the Transform cards in Modern (I don't think any of them will take off in Legacy and beyond because Wasteland is a thing and it tends to keep people off 4 mana):

    1. Search for Azcanta: Hands down the best of the Ixalan Transform cards in Modern. Heck, it may be the best new card in Ixalan for Modern (the new-to-Modern reprint Opt is better, though). Search for Azcanta is easy to transform and produces high-quality CA post-transform. It'll attract Ghost Quarter/Tectonic Edge/Field of Ruins like the dickens, but man, does it turn games around.
    2. Growing Rites of Itlimoc: Collected Company decks are currently in a good position in Modern. Among them, only Elves may be interested in this (the rest only really need to get to 4-6 mana, and they can often put only 3 or fewer creatures on the battlefield at the same time), but that's a bigger audience than the rest of the non-blue Transform cards in the set.
    3. Legion's Landing: If BW Tokens were alive in Modern, they'd be interested in this card. Soul Sisters has fallen off the map for a while, and White Weenie generally doesn't attack with 3 or more creatures in Modern, but this card is cheap and turns into a decent token producer in aggressive enough decks.
    4. Conqueror's Galleon: At least one deck in Modern may be interested in taking this card out for a spin: Eldrazi Tron. It has enough big creatures to drive this Vehicle and transform it, and it has enough mana to make its land side dang good. Maybe Modern has too many aggro and combo decks for this card to gain a foothold, though...
    5. Vance's Blasting Cannons: The land side of this card is pretty overpowered, too, but the front side is yet another Outpost Siege, and that card generally loses out to Chandra, Torch of Defiance nowadays. Oh yeah, transforming this card is pretty hard. That the land side does not play nice with Blood Moon also hurts its chances.
    6. Primal Amulet: ...At least I know a fringe deck in Modern that may want this card, and the flip side produces decent CA. Shame about costing 4 mana and getting bonked by Kolaghan's Command, though...
    7. Arguel's Blood Fast: The front side is decent CA, but the life is surprisingly pricey, a lot of this card's customers would rather play Search for Azcanta because it doesn't suck out their life totals, and then this card still has to compete with Bob (Dark Confidant). The land side can gain your life back when you sac creatures about to be taken down by removal to it, but that side totally sucks.
    8. The rest: Yeah, the rest look unplayable to me. Journeyer's Kite never saw play in Modern, and flipping into a damage-preventing land when you have enough lands already still won't make it OK. Dowsing Dagger doesn't grant enough bonuses as an equipment, and then the aggro decks most likely to transform it don't really need the extra mana. Treasure Map draws cards slower than the equal-cmc Sunset Pyramid does, and the mana bump isn't worth it when it's so late.

    Last edited by Lectrys: Sep 18, 2017

  • #6 Sep 18, 2017



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    • Just Getting Started

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    Ive had already success with the white one. Cheap. Immediate board-impact & very easy to flip in a very aggresive Deck like Boros.
    The green one was underwhelming. No board-impact 4 3 Mana is punishing.
    & opponents had to jump through more hoops than they expected Flip Lands Ranked - New Card Discussion - The Rumor Mill - Magic Fundamentals - MTG Salvation Forums (31)
    Also played against the blue one in Control & that was a beating.
    2 Mana 4 constant scries (even better) improves their answers by a lot. Flippin it was easy enough. & even without its still a great card 4 lil mana. But when flipped, with a relative clear field (what the enchantment side helps with), i got burried under card-advantage quickly. Opponent always seemed to have the desired card after castin diz !

    So my voice goes to Search for Azcanta as nr.1 & maybe even best card of the set (Not hard with a low powerlevel set like diz).

    Last edited by EasyLover: Sep 18, 2017

    Flip Lands Ranked - New Card Discussion - The Rumor Mill - Magic Fundamentals - MTG Salvation Forums (32)

  • #8 Sep 18, 2017



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    • Ascended Mage

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    Dowsing Dagger is going to warp any non-ramp EDH deck it gets play in. It plus any evasion creature is going to reek havoc.

  • #9 Sep 18, 2017



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    • Archmage

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    Quote from metalcrafter »

    In alphabetical order inside a tier:

    The Good
    Legion's Landing
    Search for Azcanta
    Treasure Map

    The Mehdium
    Growing Rites of Itlimoc
    Primal Amulet

    The Bad
    Arguel's Blood Fast
    Conqueror's Galleon
    Dowsing Dagger
    Thaumatic Compass
    Vance's Blasting Cannons

    I agree, with one exception. Vance's Blasting Cannons is the first mode of Outpost Siege, which was a frequent sideboard card against control when it was standard legal. Even if it never flips, it is a good card to have in sideboards... once Chandra, Torch of Defiance rotates next year.

    EDIT: Oh, you can not play a land card exiled by VBC... Not a huge difference in a deck that wants to run it, but it is a difference and I missed it.

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